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U. N. Population Division, World Population Prospects: The 2008 Revision Population Database — см.: esa.un.org/unpp, обновлено 11 марта 2009 г.; Greenpeace, “Your Energy Savings” — см.: www.greenpeace. org/international/campaigns/climate-change/take_action/your-energy, просмотрено автором 28 мая 2009 г.


Marianne Haug et al., Cool Appliances: Policy Strategies for Energy Efficient Homes (Paris: IEA, 2003); Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Top Runner Program: Developing the World’s Best Energy-Efficient Appliances (Tokyo: 2008).


Haug et al. op. cit note 23; Alan K. Meier. A Worldwide Review of Standby Power Use in Homes (Berkeley, CA: LBNL, 2002).


Lloyd Harrington et al., Standby Energy: Building a Coherent International Policy Framework — Moving to the Next Level (Stockholm: European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, 2007).


Meier, op. cit, note 24.


Geoffrey Lean and Jonathan Owen, “Giant Plasma TVs Face Ban in Battle to Green Britain”, The Independent (London), 11 января 2009 г.; California Energy Commission, “Frequently Asked Questions — FAQs Energy Efficiency Standards for Televisions” см. www.energy.ca.gov/ appliances/tv_faqs.html, просмотрено автором 29 апреля 2009 г.


IEA op. cit. note 17, р. 507.


U. S. Green Building Council (USGBC), “Green Building Facts” (Washington, DC: April, 2009).


Edward Mazria, “It’s the Architecture, Stupid! Who Really Holds the Key to Global Thermostat? The Answer Might Surprise You”, World and I May/June 2003; Clinton Foundation, “Energy Efficiency Building Retrofit Program,” fact sheet (New York, May 2007).


Davis Langdon, The Cost & Benefit of Achieving Green Buildings (Sydney:2007).


German Federal Ministry for the Enviroment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), Heat from Renewable Energies: What Will the New Heat Act Achieve? (Berlin: July 2008); BMU, Consolidated Version of the Reasoning Behind the Act on the Promotion of Renewable Energies in the Heat Sector (Berlin: August 2008).


DOE, “Transforming the Way Americans Use Energy” — см.: energy.gov/ recovery/energy_efficiency.htm, просмотрена автором 9 апреля 2009; пресс-релиз DOE, “Secretaries Donovan and Chu Announce Partnership to Help Working Families Weatherize Their Homes” (Washington, DC: 27 February 2009).


USGBC, “About LEED”, fact sheet (Washington, DC: 2007).


USGBC, op. cit. note 29; USGBC, “LEED for New Construction” (Washington, DC: 2007).


USGBC, LEED 2009 for New Construction and Major Innovations, Version 3.0 (Washington, DC: April 2009).


Там же.


USGBC, op. cit. note 29.


NREL, The Philip Merrill Environmental Center, Chesapeake Bay Foundation: Highlighting High Performance (Golden, CO: April 2002).


“Toyota Seeks Gold for New Green Buildings”, GreenBiz.com, 23 April 2003; “The Green Stamp of Approval,” Business Week, 11 September 2006.


Nick Carey and Ilaina Jonas, “Green Buildings Need More Incentives in US,” Reuters, 15 February 2007; Alexander Durst, The Durst Organization, дискуссия с Джигнаша Рана, Earth Policy Institute, 2 июля 2009 г.


Carey and Jonas, op. cit. note 41.


Barnaby J. Feder, “Environmentally Concious Development”, New York Times, 25 August 2004.


World Green Business Council, “Established Green Building Councils” и “Emerging Green Building Councils”, — см.: www.worldgbc.org/green-building-councils, просмотрено автором 10 апреля 2009 г.; данные о площади сертифицированного пространства из письма Мари Коулмен, USGBC к Джигнаша Рана, Earth Policy Institute, отправленного 1 июня 2009 г.


USGBC, op. cit. note 34; “Clinton Unveils $5 Billion Green Makeover for Cities,” Environment News Service, 16 May 2007.


USGBC, op. cit. note 34; “Clinton Unveils $5 Billion Green Makeover for Cities,” op. cit. note 45; USGBC, “The Clinton Climate Initiative and the U. S. Green Building Council Expand Global Partnership,” press release (Washington, DC: 10 February 2009).


Clinton Foundation, “CCI Helps Retrofit Empire State Building”, press release (New York: 6 April 2009); Molly Miller, “Leading Example for Energy Efficiency,” press release (Boulder, CO: Rocky Mountain Institute, April 2009).


Brad Heavner, Environment Maryland, Testimony before the Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality, Energy and Commerce Committee, U. S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC, 17 July 2008.


Mazria, op. cit. note 30; см.: www.architecture2030.org.


Mazria, op. cit. note 30.


Там же.


Yuri Kageyama, “Toyota US Hybrid Sales Surpass Million Units,” Associated Press, 12 March 2009; National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Summary of Fuel Economy Performance (Washington, DC: U. S. Department of Transportation, 30 March 2009).


Стоимость электрического эквивалента галлона бензина взята из статьи: Roger Duncan, “Plug-In Hybrids: Pollution-Free Transport on the Horizon”, Solar Today, May/June 2007, р. 46.


Chris Gaylord, “Electric Cars Around the Corner,” Christian Science Monitor, 16 March 2009; Micheline Maynard, “Toyota Plans to Leapfrog G. M. with a Plug-In,” New York Times, 12 January 2009; Norihiko Shirouzu, “Technology Levels Playing Field in Race to Market Electric Car”, Wall Street Journal, 12 January 2009.


Maynard, op. cit. note 54; General Motors, “Imagine: A Daily Commute Without Using a Drop of Gas,” — см.: www.chevrolet.com/electriccar, просмотрено автором 8 августа 2008 г.


Matthew Dolan и Joan Murphy, “Nissan, Ford Plan Electric Push Aided by U. S.; Demand is Uncertain,” Wall Street Journal, 24 June 2009; Think, “Think announces U. S. Factory Plans,” press release (Snarøya, Norway: 12 March 2009); CalCars, “How Carmakers are Responding to the Plug-In Hybrid Opportunity”, — см.: www.calcars.org/carmakers.html, просмотрено автором 3 июня 2009.


Michael Kintner-Meyer et al… Impacts Assessment of Plug-In Hybrid Vehicles on Electric Utilities and Regional U. S. Power Grids — Part 1: Technical Analysis (Richland, WA: DOE, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, 2006)


Steve Hamm, “the Electric Car Acid Test”, Business Week, 4 February 2008, pp. 42–46; Better Place, “Global Progress”, — см.: www.betterplace. com/global-progress, просмотрено автором 14 апреля 2009 г.


Hiroki Matsumoto, “The Shinkansen: Japan’s High Speed Railway”, testimony before the Subcommittee on railroads, Pipelines and Materials (Washington, DC: Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, 19 April 2007); Central Japan Railway Company, Annual Report 2008, — english.jr-central.co.jp/company/ir/annualreport/index.html, просмотрено автором 29 мая 2009 г.


Matsumoto, op. cit. note 59.


Там же.


Inaki Barron, “High Speed Rail: The Big Picture”, testimony before the Subcommittee on railroads, Pipelines and Materials (Washington, DC: Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, 19 April 2007); Railteam, “European High Speed Rail Operators Launch Railteam”, press release (Brussels: 2 July 2007); Bruce Crumley, “European Train Travel: Working on the Railroad”, Time, 28 May 2009.


“Ave Madrid”, The Economist, 5 February 2009.


“A High-Speed Revolution”, The Economist, 5 July 2007.


Barron, op. cit. note 62.


Jack Kinstlinger, Magnetic Levitation High Speed Rail Service Along the Eastern Seaboard (Hunt Valley, MD: KCI Technologies, Inc., 2007).


Huang Xin, “China Starts Work on Beijing-Shanghai Express Railway”, Xinhua, 18 April 2008.


Пресс-релиз John L. Mica, “Opening Statement: Rep. Shuster from Today’s Hearing on High Speed Rail”, (Washington, DC: Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, 19 April 2007); American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111–5, 111th Congress, 1st session (6 January 2009).


National Interstate and Defense Highways Act (1956), Public Law 627, Chapter 462, 84th Congres, 2nd session (27 June 1956).


“Californians Approve High-Speed Rail, Nix Fake Clean Energy Props”, Environment News Service, 5 November 2008.


Gerhard Metschies, ”Pain at the Pump”, Foreign Policy, July/August 2007; Ward’s Automotive Group, World Motor Vehicle Data 2008 (Southfield, MI: 2008).


Office of the Press Secretary, “President Obama Announces National Fuel Efficiency Policy”, press release (Washington, DC: 19 May 2009); Keith Bradsher, “China is Said to Plan Strict Gas Millage Rules”, New York Times, 27 May 2009; Andrewe. Revkin, “Fuel Efficiency Standards: Not So Efficient?” New York Times, 19 May 2009.


Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker, Amory B. Lovins и L. Hunter Lovins, Factor Four: Doubling Wealth, Halving Recourse Use (London: Earthscan, 1997); Friedrich Schmidt-Bleek et al., Factor 10: Making Sustainability Accountable, Putting Resource Productivity into Praxis (Carnoules, France, Factor 1 °Club, 1998), р. 5.


William McDonough и Michael Braungart, Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things (New York: North Point Press, 2002); Rebecca Smith, “Beyond Recycling: Manufactures Embrace ‘C2C’ Design”, Wall Street Journal, 3 March 2005.


Rona Fried, “Recycling Industry Offers Recession-Proof Investing,” Solar Today, July/August 2008, pp. 22–23.


Claude Mandil et al Tracking Industrial Energy Efficiency and CO2 Emissions (Paris: IEA, 2007), pp. 39, 59–61.


World Steel Association, World Steel in Figures 2009 (Brussels: 2009); Mandil et al., op. cit. note 76, pp. 39, 59–61.


“Iron and Steel Scrap”, в U. S. Geological Survey (USGS), Mineral Commodity Summaries (Reston, VA: U. S. Department of the Interior, 2009), pp. 84–85; “Steel Recycling Rates at a Glance,” fact sheet (Pittsburgh, PA: Steel Recycling Institute, 2007); Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality, “Recycling Trivia,” — см.: www.deq.state. ms.us, просмотрено автором 17 октября 2007 г.


Четвертая часть электричества взята из работы: Mandil et al., op. cit. note 76, р. 106; снижение потребления электричества рассчитано на основе данных International Iron and Steel Institute (IISI), “Crude Steel Production by Process,” World Steel in Figures 2007, на www.worldsteel. org, просмотрено автором 16 октября 2007 г.; McKinsey Global Institute, Curbing Global Energy Demand Growth: The Energy Productivity Opportunity (Washington, DC: May 2007).

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