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of his concern for the life of people fighting for their country’s freedom.

Black-and-white book illustrations extend to all kinds of literature — Russian and world classics, Soviet multinational literature, epic and popular science literature; a large group of illustrators also work for literary periodicals. Book illustrators in Moscow and Leningrad are known for their high standards of book design and illustration, and their view of the book as an integral artistic whole. V.Favorsky continued to work in Moscow to the very end of his life. A. Goncharov, S.Pozharsky, S.Telingater, I. Fomina, E.Burgunker, D.Bisti, and B. Markevich who concentrated mainly on lino- and woodcuts have greatly contributed to book design and illustration. Whole series of book illustrations of great interest have been executed by D.Shmarinov, N. Kuzmin, B.Prorokov, Ye. Kibrik, V.Goriayev, V. Minayev, etc. Among Leningrad artists we should mention V.Konashevich, A. Pakhomov, G.Yepifanov, Ye.Charushin, and Yu. Vasnetsov. The Leningrad school of graphic art has always been famous for children’s books. A pioneer in this field, V. Lebedev developed in a truly creative way the principles of design and illustration of books for the youngest children. He and his pupils have collaborated to good effect with well-known Soviet writers and poets. Lebedev and his pupils have illustrated books by S. Marshak and K. Chukovsky, which have become classics in their own field and attained world fame. These books are constantly being reprinted, they do not lose their aesthetic value as years go by, and they enjoy popularity with every new generation of the readers. Soviet book illustration has achieved international recognition, and many publications have been awarded prizes of various kinds at international competitions.

The great family of Russian artists is increasing year by year. In all regional centres of the republic there are local creative branches of the Artists’ Union of the RSFSR. All kinds of art are developing everywhere. The artists of Russia are with honour preserving and enriching the traditions which had been formed during the over fifty years’ existence of the Soviet state. An active and sincere response to the events in the public life of the country at every stage of its history, the assertion of the lofty human ideals of communist society have always been and remain the most characteristic features of Russian art. Lofty civic feelings, a sense of responsibility, the perfection of professional skill and respect for the great traditions of the past in Russian and world art have always been the basis for the creative endeavours of Soviet artists. These fundamental qualities are relayed from one generation of artists to another.



1. А. А. Рылов. В голубом просторе. 1918

A.Rylov. The Blue Expanses

2. Н. А. Андреев. Ленин — вождь. 1931—1932

N. Andreyev. Lenin the Leader

3. Н. Н. Купреянов. КрейсерАврора”. 1922

N. Kupreyanov. CruiserAurora”

4. И. И. Бродский. В. И. Ленин в Смольном. 1930

I. Brodsky. Lenin in His Study at the Smolny

5. В. А. Серов. Зимний взят. 1954

V. Serov. The Winter Palace Taken

6. А. Т. Матвеев. Октябрьская революция. 1927

A. Matveyev. The October Revolution

7. К. С. Петров-Водкин. 1918 год в Петрограде. 1920

К. Petrov-Vodkin. 1918 in Petrograd

8. Б. М. Кустодиев. Большевик. 1918—1920

В. Kudstodiyev. The Bolshevik

9. Д. С. Моор (Орлов). „Ты записался добровольцем?“ 1920. Плакат

D. Moor (Orlov). “Have You Joined the Red Army?” Poster

10. А. А. Дейнека. Оборона Петрограда. 1928

A. Deyneka. Defence of Petrograd

11. С. В. Малютин. Портрет писателя Д. А. Фурманова. 1922

S. Maliutin. Portrait of the Writer D. Furmanov

12. Б. В. Иогансон. Допрос коммунистов. 1933

В. Ioganson. Interrogation of Communists

13. М. Б. Греков. Трубачи Первой Конной Армии. 1934

М. Grekov. Buglers of the First Red Cavalry Army

14. Б. Н. Яковлев. Транспорт налаживается. 1923

В. Yakovlev. Transport Improves

15. Н. А. Касаткин. За учебу (Пионерка с книгами). 1926

N. Kasatkin. Pioneer-girl with Books

16. Е. М. Чепцов. Заседание сельской ячейки. 1924

Y. Cheptsov. Meeting of a Village Party Cell

17. Г. Г. Ряжский. Делегатка. 1927

G. Riazhsky. The Delegate

18. Ф. С. Богородский. Беспризорный. 1925

F. Bogorodsky. Homeless Child

19. Г. С. Верейский. В саду Русского музея. 1925

G. Vereysky. In the Garden of the Russian Museum

20. П. М. Шухмин. Приказ о наступлении. 1928

P. Shukhmin. Order to Launch an Offensive

21. И. Д. Шадр. Булыжник — оружие пролетариата. 1905 год. 1927

I. Shadr. The Cobblestone Is the Weapon of the Proletariat. Year 1905

22. А. Е. Архипов. Девушка с кувшином. 1927

A. Arkhipov. Girl with a Pitcher

23. В. Н. Перельман. Синяя блуза. 1926

V. Perelman. Blue Blouse

24. П. В. Митурич. Портрет скрипача. 1925

P. Miturich. Portrait of a Violinist

25. И. И. Машков. Снедь московская. Хлебы. 1924

I. Mashkov. Moscow

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