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Динамическое стратегическое управление – стратегический менеджмент в реальном режиме времени, непрерывный мониторинг текущей ситуации, выработка и реализация соответствующих стратегий, действительных до тех пор, пока ситуация не изменится настолько значимо, что их целесообразно пересматривать.

Ненавязчиво рекомендуемая литература

Beer S. (1981) Brain of the Firm. Toronto: John Wiley & Sons.

Bridges W. (2000) The Character of Organizations. Using Personality Type in Organization Development, Paolo Alto, CA: Davies-Black Publishing.

Childre D., Cryer B. (1999) From Chaos to Coherence: advancing emotional and organizational intelligence through inner quality management, Oxford: Buttterworth-Heinemann.

Carter S. (1999) Renaissance Management. The rebirth of energy and innovation in people and organizations, London: Kogan Page.

Clegg S.R. (1990) Modern Organizations. Organization Studies in the Postmodern World, Lodon: SAGE.

Drucker Peter F. (2001) The Essential Drucker. The Best of Sixty years of Peter Drucker’s Essential Writings on Management, N.Y.: HarperCollins Publishers.

Galdraith J.R. (2005) Designing the Customer-Centric Organization. A Guide to Strutegy, Structure, and Process, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Glass N. M. (1998) Management Masterclass. A practical guide to the new realities of business, London: Nicolas Brealey Publishing.

Gleick G. (1987) Chaos. The Amazing Science of the Unpredictable. N.Y.: Vintage.

Goleman D., Boyatzis R., and Mckee A. (2003) The New Leaders. Transforming the Art of Leadership into the Science of Results, London: Time Warner Paperbacks.

Fisher F., (1991) Guide for Managing Changes for Urban Managers and Trainers, Nairobi: UNCHS Habitat.

Fisher F., Vasilache A., Rata N. (2005) Restore the Health of Your Organization, Buharest: FPDL.

Haken H. (1992) Erfolgsgeheimnisse der Natur. Synergetik: Die Lehre vom Zusammenwirken. Deutsche Verlags-Ansalt GmbH.

Hammer M. Champy J. (1993) Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifest for Business Revolution. New York: Harper Collins.

Harrison M.I., Shirom A. (1999) Organizational Diagnosis and Assessment, London: SAGE.

Henry J., (2001) Creative Management, London: The Open University – SAGE.

Hesselbein F., Goldshith M., Beckhard R. (Ed.) (1997) The Organization of the Future, Drucker Foundation, San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Kolp A., Rea P. (2006) Integrity Is a Growth Market: Character-Based Leadership, Cincinnati: Atomic Dog Publishing.

Ilinitch A. Y., Lewin A. Y., D`Avani R. (1998) Managing in Times of Disorder. Hypercompetitive Organizational Responses. Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi: SAGE

Micklethwait J., Wooldridge A. (1996) The Witch Doctors, N.Y.: Times Books.

Knights D., Willmott H. (Ed.) (2000) The Reengineering Revolution: critical studies of corporate changes, London: SAGE.

Marion R. (1999) The Edge of Organization. Chaos and Complexity Theories of Formal Social Systems, London: SAGE.

Martin L.L. (1993) Total Quality Management in Human Service Organizations, London: SAGE.

Morgan G. (1989) Creative Organization Theory. A Resourcebook, London: SAGE.

Morgan G. (1997) Images of Organization, London: SAGE.

Nonaka I., Takeuchi H. (1995) The Knowledge-Creating Company, N.Y.-Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Norman R. (2001) Reframing Business. How the Map Changes the Landscape., Chichester – N.Y.: John Willey & Sons.

Oakland J.S. (1995) Total Quality Management, Oxford: Buttterworth-Heinemann.

Olson E.E., Eoyang G.H. (2001) Facilitating Organization Change. Lessons from Complexity Science. Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer.

Prigogine I. (1980) From Being to Becoming: Time and complexity in the physical sciences, San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and company, 1980.

Prigogine I., Stengers I. (1984) Order out of Chaos, N.Y.

Saner R, Franz Strehl F., Yiu L. (Ed.), In-service Training as an Instrument for Organizational Change in Public Administration, Brussels: IIAS.

Scott C.D., Jaffe D. (1991) Empowerment. Building a Committed Workforce, London: Kogan Page.

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Senge P., Roberts C., Ross R.B., Smith B.J., Roth J., Kleiner A. (1999)The Dance of Change, N.Y.: Doubleday.

Yeatts D.E., Hyten C. (1998) High-Performing Self-Managed Work Teams. A Comparison of Theory and Practice, London: SAGE.

Wheatley M. J. (2006) Leadership and the New Science. Discovering Order in a Chaotic World, San Francisco: Berret-Koehler Publishers.

Некоторые публикации автора, пересекающиеся по теме с данной книгой

Газарян A. (1990) Субструктуры и информация, Философские и социологические науки, № 5, Киев, Наукова думка.

Газарян А. (1992) Некоторые теоретические предпосылки и проблемы организации местного самоуправления в посттоталитарном обществе, Клайпеда: SPTC.

Gazaryan A. (1994) Synergetics and Control, In: Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, Minsk: Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

Gazaryan A. (1995) State Control and Economic Misconduct in the Period of Transition, International Review of Administrative Sciences, London: SAGE, Vol. 6.

Gazaryan A., Kersyte J. (2000) The Challenge of Training in the Transition from Communism, Training Public Administrators around the World, Ed.: Stuart S. Nagel, Westport – London: Quorum Books.

Газарян A. (2003) Методологические основы стратегического планирования, Бишкек, Фонд «Сорос-Кыргызстан».

Gazaryan A. (2006) Organizational development: A Manual for Managers and Trainers, Bucharest: FPDL.

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