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46. Substance of the Debates on a Resolution for Abolishing the Slave Trade Which Was Moved in the House of Commons 10-th June 1806 and in the House of Lords 24-th June 1806. L., 1968. (1-st ed. 1806).

47. Trial of Pedro de Zulueta, Junior, on a Charge of Slave Trading Under the 5 geo. IV cap. 113, on Friday the 27-th, Saturday the 28-th and Monday the 30-th of October 1843, at the Central Criminal Court, Old Bailey, London. A Full Report from the Short-Hand. L., 1844.

Мемуары. Дневники. Путевые заметки. Письма

48. Керстен О. Путешествие по Восточной Африке в 1859–1861 гг. барона Карла Клауса фон Деккена. М., 1870.

49. Ковалевский Е.П. Путешествие во Внутреннюю Африку Е. Ковалевского, автора «Странствователя по суше и морям» и проч. СПб., 1848. Т. 2.

50. Лас Касас Б. де. История Индий. Л., 1968.

51. Ливингстон Д. Последнее путешествие в Центральную Африку. Дневники, которые он вел в Центральной Африке с 1865 г. по день смерти. М., 1968.

52. Ливингстон Д., Ливингстон Ч. Путешествие по Замбези с 1858 по 1864 г. М., 1956.

53. Ливингстон Д. Путешествия и исследования в Южной Африке с 1840 по 1855 г. М., 1955.

54. Парк М. Путешествие во внутренность Африки, предпринятое по приказанию и под управлением Английской Африканской Компании в 1795, 1796 и 1797 годах хирургом Мунго Парком. Ч.,1–2. М., 1806–1808.

55. Собрание путешествий, предпринятых агентами Лондонского общества африканских территорий. Т. 1–2. СПб., 1807.

56. Стенли Г.М. В дебрях Африки. М., 1958.

57. Стенли Г.М. Как я отыскал Ливингстона. Путешествия, приключения и открытия в Африке. СПб., 1873.

58. Эксквемелин А.О. Пираты Америки. М., 1968.

59. Adams J. Remarks on the Country Extending from Cape Palmas. to the River Congo, Including Observations on the Manners and Customs of the Inhabitants With an Appendix Containing an Account of the European Trade with the West Coast of Africa. L., 1823.

60. Africa Remembered: Narratives by West Africans from the Era of the Slave Trade. Madison — London, 1967.

61. Allen W. and Thomson T. A. Narrative of the Expedition Sent by Her Majesty's Government to the River Niger in 1841. Vol. 1–2. L., 1848.

62. Azurara G. E. The Chronicle of the Discovery and Conquest of Guinea. Vol. 1–2. L., 1896–1899 (Works Issued by the Hakluyt Societv. No 95, 100.)

63. Baikie W. Narrative of an Exploring Voyage up the Rivers Quorra and Binue (Commonly Known as the Niger and Tsadda) in 1854. L., 1856.

64. Barbot J. Description of the Coasts of North and South Guinea and of Ethiopia Inferior, Vulgary Angola, Being a New Account of the Western Maritime Countries of Africa, Containing a Geographical, Political, and Natural History of the Kingdoms, Provinces, Common-Wealth, Territories and Islands Belonging to It. Their Product, Inhabitants, Manners, Languages, Trade, Wars, Policy and Religion. With a Full Account of All the European Settlements; Their Rise Progress and Present Condition; Their Commerce, and Measures for Improving the Several Branches of the Guinea and Angola Trade. Also, of Trade-Winds, Breezes, Tornadoes, Harmatans, Tides and Currents, etc. — Churchill A. and J. A Collection of Voyages and Travels, Some Now First Printed from Original Manuscripts, Others Now First Published in English. Vol. 5. L., 1746.

65. Barbot J. and Casseneuwe J. An Abstract of a Voyage to Congo River, or the Zair, and to Cabinde, in the Year 1700. — Chirchill A, and J. A Collection of Voyages and Travels Some Now First Printed from Original Manuscripts, Others Now First Publisched in English. Vol. 5. L., 1746.

66. Barnard F. L. A Three years' Cruise in the Mozambique Channel for the Suppression of the Slave Trade. L., 1848.

67. Barros Y. de, Couta D. de. Da Asia. 24 vols. Lisboa, 1777–1778.

67a. Bosman G. Voyage de Guinée, contenant une description nouvelle et thes exacte de cette côte où l’on tronye et l’on trafique l’or, les dents d'elephant et les esclaves; de ses pays, royaumes et republiques, des maeurs des habitants, de leur religion, gouvernement, administration, de la justice, de leurs guerres, manages, sepultures etc. Comme aussi de la nature et qutlite de terroir, des arbres fruitiers et sauvages, de divers animaux tout domestique que sauvages, des betes a quatre pieds, des reptiles, des. oiseaux, des pois-sons, et de plusieurs autres choses rates, inconnues jusque à prtsent Europeens. Utrecht, 1705.

68. Boteler T. Narrative of a Voyage of Discovery to Africa and Arabia, Performed by His Majesty's Ships «Leven» and «Barracouta» from 1821 to 1826, Under the Command of Capt. F. W. Owen. Vol. 1–2. L. 1835.

69. Brissot T. P. (Warville). Nouveau voyage dans les Etats — Unis de l’Ameique Septentrionale, fait en 1788. T. 1–3. P., 1791.

70. Burton R. A. A Mission to Gelele, King of Dahomey, with Notice of So Called «Amazons», Grand Customs, Yearly Customs, Human Sacrifices, Present State of Slave Trade. Vol. 1–2. L., 1864.

71. Canot Th. Adventures of an African Slaver. Being a True Account of the Life of Captain Theodore Canot, Trader in Gold, Ivory and Slaves on the Coast of Guinea. His Own Story as Told in the Year 1854 to Brantz Mayer. N. Y., 1928.

72. Clapperton H., Denham D. Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa in the Years 1822, 1823 and 1824. L., 1826.

73. Colomb R. N. Slave Catching in the Indian Ocean. L., 1968. (.1-st ed. 1873).

74. Crow H. Memoirs of the Late Captain Hugh Crow, of Liverpool; Comprising a Narrative of His Life, Together with Descriptive Sketches of the Western Coast of Africa Customs of the Inhabitants, the Product-country, to which are Added, Anecdotes and Observations, Illustrative of the Negro Character. London, 1830.

75. Cuguoano 0. Thoughts and Sentiments on the Evil of Slavery. L., 1969 (1-st ed. 1787).

76. Devereux В.С. A Cruise in the «Gorgon» or, Eighteen Months on H. M. S. «Gorgon», Engaged in the Suppression of the Slave Trade on the East Coast of Africa. Including a Trip up the Zambezi with Dr. Livingstone. L., 1869.

77. Duncan J. Reisen in Westafrika, von Whydah durch das Konigreich Dahomey nach Adofudia im Innern. In den Jahren 1845 und 1846. Bd. 1–2. Dresden und Leipzig, 1848.

78. Efik Traders of Old Calabar. Containing the Diary of Antera Duke, an Efik Slave Trading Chief of the Eighteenth Century, Together with an Ethnografic Sketch and Notes by D. Simmons and an Essay on the Political Organisation of Old Calabar by G. I. Jones. L., 1956.

79. Falconbridge A. An Account of the Slave-Trade on the Coast of Africa. L., 1788.

80. Forbes F. E. Dahomev and the Dahomans: Being the Journals of Two Missions to the King of Dahomey and Residence at His Capital in the Years 1849 and 1850. P., 1851.

81. Forbes F. E. Six Month's Service in the African Blockade From April to October, 1848 in Command of H. M. S. «Bonetta». L., 1969 (1st ed. 1849).

82. General Rigby, Zanzibar and Slave Trade, With Journal, Dispatches etc. L. 1935.

83 Hakluyt's Collection of the Early Voyages, Travels and Discoveries of the English Nation. Vol. 1–5. L., 1809–1812.

84 The Hawkins' Voyages During the Reigns of Henry VIII, Queen Elizabeth and James I. L., 1878. (Works Issued by the Hakluyt Society, 57).

85. Hodson J. H. The Letter Book of Robert Bostock, a Merchant in the Liverpool Slave Trade, 1789–1792. — Libraries, Museums and Arts Committee Bulletin. Б. м., Vol. 3, № 1–2, 1953.

86. Labarthe P. Voyage a la Cote de Guinee ou description des cotes d'Afrique depuis le cap Tagrin Jusqu'au cap de Lopez — Conzalves. Contenant des instructions relatives a la traite des noirs d'apres des memoires authentiaues. P., 1803.

87. Labat J. B. Voyage du chevallier des Marchais en Guinee isles voisines et a Cayenne fait en 1725, 1726, 1727. Contenant une description tres exacte et tres etendue de ces pals, et du commerce qui s'y fait. T. 1–4. P., 1730.

88. Laird M. and Oldfleld R. Narrative of an Expedition into the Interior of Africa by the River Niger in the Steam — Vissels «Quorra» and «Alburkah» in 1832, 1833 and 1834. Vol. 1–2. L., 1837.

89. Lander R. and J. Journal of an Expedition to Explore the Course and Termination of the Niger. Vol. 1–3. L., 1838.

90. Leonard P. Records of a Voyage to the Western Coast of Africa in His Majesty's Ship «Dryad» and of the Service on that Station for the Supres-sion of the Slave Trade in the Years 1830, 1831 and 1832. Edinburgh, 1833.

91. Mellon M. J. Early American Views on Negro Slavery. From the Letters and Papers of the Founders of the Republic. N. Y., 1969.

92. Merolla J. A Voyage to Congo. — Churchill A. and J. A Collection of Voyages and Travels, Some Now First Printed From Original Manuscripts, Others Now First Published in English. Vol. I. L., 1704.

93. Newton J. The Journal of a Slave Trader 1750–1754, with Newton's «Thoughts Upon African Slave Trade». L., 1962 (1-st ed. 1788).

94. Norris R. Voyage au pays de Dahome. On у a ajoute des observations sur la traite des negres, avec une description de quelques parties de la cote de Guinee durant un voyage fait en 1787 et 1788 par С Wadstrom. P., 1790.

95. Pacheco Pereira D. Esmeraldo de situ orbis. L., 1937 (Works Issued by the Hakluyt Society. 2-nd Ser. № 79).

96. Phillips Th. Journal of a Voyage Made in «the Hannibal» of London From England to Cape Monseradoe in Africa; and Thence Along the Coast of Guinea to Whidaw, the Island of St. Thomas, and So Forward to Barho-does. — Churchill A. and J. A Collection of Voyages and Travels, Some Now First Printed From Original Manuscripts, Others Now First Published in English. Vol. 6. L., 1764.

97. Richardson J. D. A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents. Vol. 1. Wash., 1899.

98. Secret History of the Slave Trade to Cuba Written by an American Naval Officer, Robert Wilson Schufeldt, 1861. — Journal of Negro History. Wash., 1970, vol. LV, № 3.

99. Smith J. Trade and Travels in the Gulf of Guinea. L., 1851.

100. Snelgrave G. Nouvelle relation de quelques endroits de Guinee, et du commerce d'esclaves qu'on fait. Amsterdam, 1735.

101. Sulivan G. L. Dhow Chasing in Zanzibar Waters and on Eastern Coast of Africa. Narrative of Five Years Experiences in the Suppression of the Slave Trade. L., 1873.

102. Turnbull D. Travels in the West Cuba with Notice of Porto Rico and the Slave Trade. L., 1840.

103. The Voyage of Cadamosto and Other Documents on Western Africa in the Second Half of the Fifteenth Century. L., 1937 (Works Issued by the Hakluyt Society, 2-nd ser., № 80).

104. Whinthrop's Journal «History of the New England», 1630–1645. Vol. 2. N. Y.,,1908.

105. The Zambezi Doctor David Livingstone's Letter to John Kirk, 1858–1862. Edinburgh, 1964.

Аболиционистская и антиаболиционистская литература

106. Рейналь Г. Философическая и политическая история о заведениях и коммерции европейцев в обеих Индиях. Ч. 1–6. СПб., 1805–1811.

107. Франклин В. Избранные произведения. М., 1956.

108. Address to the Inhabitants of Europe on the Iniquity of the Slave Trade, Issued by the Religious Society, Commonly Called Quakers, in Great Britain and Ireland. L., 1822.

109. Bailey B. A Dissertation upon the Nature of Service or Slavery under the Levitical Law, among the Hebrews in the Earliest Ages, and in the Gentile World, until the Coming of Christ; the Import of Words Expressive of Service or Slavery in the Holy Scriptures; with Reflections on the Change, which Christianity has Made, and Continues to Make, in the Condition of that Class of People Who are Servants. L., 1824.

110. Barclay A. A Practical View of the Present State of Slavery in the West Indies, or, an Examination of Mr. Stephen's Slavery of the British West India Colonies; Containing More Particulary an Account of the Actual Condition of the Negroes in Jamaica, with Observations on the Decrease of the Slaves Since the Abolition of the Slave Trade, and on the Probable Effects of Legislative Emansipation; Also, Structures of the Edinburgh Review, and on the Pamphlets of Mr. Cooper and Mr. Bickell. By A. Barclay, Lately and for Twenty-One Years Resident in Jamaica. L., 1826.

111. Barhan J. F. Considerations on the Abolition of Negro Slavery and the Means of Practically Effecting It. L., 1824.

112. Beecher-Stow H. A Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin; Presenting the Original Facts and Documents upon Which the Story Is Founded; Together with Corroborative Statements Verifying the Truth of the Work. Boston, 1853.

113. Benezet A. A Caution and Warning to Great Britain, and Her Colonies, in a Short Representation of the Calamitous State of the Enslaved Negroes in the British Dominions. Collected from Various Authors, and Submitted to the Serious Consideration of All, More Especially of Tho-e in Power. L., 1768.

114. Benezet A. Some Historical Account of Guinea With an Inquiry into the Rise and Progress of the Slave Trade, its Nature and Lamentable Effects. L., 1068 (Cass Library of African Studies. Slavery Series. № 2) (1-st ed. 1788).

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