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Tokushū: Gaikokujin kara mita Nihon (Special: Japan as seen by foreigners) // Securitarian. 2001. № 1. P. 9.

Securitarian 2001b – Zadankai: Jieitai ni okeru mentaru herusu (Roundtable discussion: Mental health in the SDF) // Securitarian. 2001. № 2. P. 40–45.

Securitarian 2001c – Hanseiki no kontentsu: Shōwa 50-nen (1975 nen) (The contents of half a century: 1975) // Securitarian. 2001. № 4. P. 40–42.

Securitarian 2001d – Tokushū 3: Otona ni natta seitotachi (Special 3: The students who have become adults) // Securitarian. 2001. № 6. P. 23–28.

Securitarian 2001e – SDF ibento jõhõ (SDF event information) // Securitarian. 2001. № 11. P. 58.

Securitarian 2001f – PKO de katsuyaku suru josei (The women who are active in PKO) // Securitarian. 2001. № 9. P. 41–45.

Securitarian 2001g – Human sketch: Tanaka Miho // Securitarian. 2001. № 9. P. 2–3.

Securitarian 2001h – Rikujõ Jieitai Kenkyū Honbu Settei (The establishment of a Ground SDF Research Headquarters) // Securitarian. 2001. № 9. P. 37–39.

Securitarian 2001i – Human sketch: Fukuyama Sayumi // Securitarian. 2001. № 10. P. 2–3.

Securitarian 2001j – Human sketch: Kuroiwa Toshihiko // Securitarian. 2001. № 11. P. 2–3.

Securitarian 2001k – Human sketch: Ishihara Shinya // Securitarian. 2001. № 12. P. 2–3.

Securitarian 2001l – Sõgõ no genzai to mirai (The present and future of synergy) // Securitarian. 2001. № 12. P. 2–3.

Securitarian 2002a – Dêta de miru Ichigayadai tsuã (An Ichigaya camp tour in data) // Securitarian. 2002. № 7. P. 40–41.

Securitarian 2002b – SDF ibento jõhõ (SDF event information) // Securitarian. 2002. № 7. P. 57–58.

Securitarian 2002c – ‘Rikujõ Jieitai Kõhõ Sentã’ ga opun (The opening of the “GSDF Public Relations Center”) // Securitarian. 2002. № 5. P. 37–39.

Securitarian 2002d – Wakai josei no tame no Jieitai taiken: Paseri-chan tsuã (SDF experience for young women: The Parsley tour // Securitarian. 2002. № 4. P. 57.

Securitarian 2002e – Human sketch: Ikeuchi Keiji // Securitarian. 2002. № 2. P. 2–3.

Securitarian 2002f – Human sketch: Sanagashi Masanori // Securitarian. 2002. № 3. P. 2–3.

Securitarian 2002g – Human sketch: Watanabe Hidetsugu // Securitarian. 2002. № 4. P. 2–3.

Securitarian 2002h – Human sketch: Yokota Yoshinori // Securitarian. 2002. № 5. P. 2–3.

Securitarian 2002i – Human sketch: Kuboyama Yasushi // Securitarian. 2002. № 6. P. 2–3.

Securitarian 2002j – Human sketch: Suzuki Makoto // Securitarian. 2002. № 7. P. 2–3.

Securitarian 2002k – Human sketch: Murai Hirofumi. Securitarian. 2002. № 8. P. 2–3.

Securitarian 2002l – Jieikan no ichinichi (One day in the life of a SDF service member) // Securitarian. 2002. № 5. P. 6–16.

Securitarian 2002m – Jieitai no ‘tenkin’ (“Job transfer” in the SDF) // Securitarian. 2002. № 3. P. 6–18.

Securitarian 2002n – Jieitai o meguru hōsei (Toward a legal system for the SDF) // Securitarian. 2002. № 8. P. 6–16.

Securitarian 2002o – Human sketch: Yamaguchi Shinji // Securitarian. 2002. № 2. P. 2–3.

Securitarian 2002p – Human sketch: Mukasa Noriko // Securitarian. 2002. № 10. P. 2–3.

Securitarian 2002q – Human sketch: Osumi Yasuhiko // Securitarian. 2002. № 11. P. 2–3.

Securitarian 2002r – Human sketch: Murano Shinji // Securitarian. 2002. № 10. P. 2–3.

Securitarian 2002s – ‘Atarashii Jieitai no sugata’ o hakken dekiru eiga ga kansei (Fim completed that allows the discovery of the “new appearance of the SDF”) // Securitarian. 2002. № 11. P. 42–43.

Securitarian 2002t – Tokushū: Josei Jieikan o yomu – Watashitachi ga mamorimasu (Special: Reading female Jieikan – We protect) // Securitarian. 2002. № 2. P. 6–15.

Securitarian 2002u – Tobe, Jieitai nāsu (Fly, nurse of the SDF) // Securitarian. 2002. № 9. P. 40–43.

Securitarian 2003a – Human sketch: Kaneta Daisuke // Securitarian. 2003. № 1. P. 2–3.

Securitarian 2003b – Tokushū: Kokusai Jieikan – Kokusai Jieikan no hyōka (Special: International Jieikan: Their reputation) // Securitarian. 2003. № 1. P. 19–23.

Securitarian 2003c – Human sketch: Gawa Hitoshi // Securitarian. 2003. № 3. P. 2–3.

Securitarian 2003d – Human sketch: Murata Hideyuki // Securitarian. 2003. № 4. P. 32–33.

Sedgwick 1995 – Sedgwick Eve Kosofsky. Gosh, Boy George, you must be awfully secure in your masculinity! // Constructing masculinity / ed. by Brian Wallis and Simon Watson Maurice Berger. New York: Routledge, 1995. P. 11–20.

Seifert 2003 – Seifert, Ruth. Diskurse und Konjunkturen im Verhältnis von Militär und Geschlecht in Deutschland und USA (Discourses and cycles concerning the issue of gender in the military in Germany and the U.S.) // Gender und Militär: Internationale Erfahrungen mit Frauen und Männern in Streitkräften / ed. by Christine Eifler and Ruth Seifert. Königstein: Ulrike Helmer Verlag (Heinrich Böll Stiftung), 2003. P. 23–51.

Sekiguchi 2001 – Sekiguchi Hisashi. Taiiku, supōtsu ni miru ‘otokorashisa’ baiyō no rekishi (The history of the cultivation of “masculinity” in gymnastics and sports) // Nihon no otoko wa doko kara kite, doko e iku no ka? (Where did Japanese men come from? Where are they going?) / ed. by Itō Satoru and Murase Yukihiro Asai Haruo. Jūgatsusha, 2001. P. 72–96.

Sekizaki 1995 – Sekizaki Yōko. Onna datera no Bōdai ikkisei shimatsuki (Reflective writing by female students of the first year class at the NDA) // Shinchō. 1995. № 45. P. 172–184.

Selden K., Selden M. 1989 – Selden Kyoko, Selden Mark. The atomic bomb: Voices from Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe, 1989.

Sengoku 1982 – Sengoku Tamotsu. Nihon no sarariiman (The Japanese salary man). Nippon hōsō shuppan kyōkai, 1982.

Senjo Shikan 1905 – Senjo shikan no tsuma (The wives of front officers) // Senjo Shikan (Front Officer). 1905. № I. P. 5.

Senshi-gakari 1967 – Senshi-gakari. Rikujō Jieitai Fuji Gakkō no senshi (War history at the Fuji School of the Ground SDF) // Gunji Shigaku. 1967. № 9 (3/I). P. 111–112.

Senyū 1899 – Kokumin no heiji shisō (Thoughts about the military in the population) // Senyū. 1899. № 2. P. 19–21.

Senyū 1911 – Chōhei tekireisha kokoroe (Information for people of conscription age) // Senyū. 1911. № 2. P. 1–4.

Senyū 1912a – Chihōjin no heiei sanka (Participation of local people in military matters) // Senyū. 1912. № 21. P. 87–88.

Senyū 1912b – Fukusō kaisei (Uniform reform) // Senyū. 1912. № 18. P. 87–88.

Seo 2001 – Seo Tetsushi. Masumedia ni miru danseizō (Representations of men in mass media) // Nihon no otoko wa doko kara kite, doko e iku no ka? (Where did Japanese men come from? Where are they going?) / ed. by Itō Satoru, Murase Yukihiro, Asai Haruo. Jūgatsusha, 2001. P. 150–169.

Seraphim 2001 – Seraphim Franziska. Im Dialog mit den Kriegstoten: Erinnerungspolitik zwischen Nationalismus und Pazifismus (In dialogue with the war dead: Memory politics between nationalism and pacifism) // Periplus: Jahrbuch für aussereuropäische Geschichte / ed. by Dietmar Rotermund. Mūnster: LIT Verlag, 2001. P. 12–25.

Serlin 2003 – Serlin David. Crippling masculinity: Queerness and disability in U.S. military culture // GLQ. 2003. № 9 (1/2). P. 149–179.

Shambaugh 2002 – Shambaugh David. Modernizing China’s military: Progress, problems, and prospects. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2002.

Sheehan 2003 – Sheehan, James.

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