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A.S.Baluev[149], N.B.Kuznetsov[150] and D.S.Zykov[151]. New data on the lithospheric structures and formation history of the west arctic shelf (the White Sea and Barents Sea)


New data on the tectonics of the White Sea and Barents Sea (Spitsbergen) are given. According to these data the White Sea paleorift system stretching along the north-eastern edge of the East-European platform consists of four sub parallel rift zones such as Onega-Kandalaksha, Keretsk-Pinega, Chapoma-Leshukon and Ponoi-Mezen separated by the Arhangelsk, Tovsk and Kuloi-Mezen benches of the crystal foundation respectively. The Chapoma graben situated on the south-eastern part of the Kola Peninsula is a north-western fragment of the Leshu kon paleorift which is confirmed by the graben extension in the Gorlo-strait of the White Sea revealed by seismic profiling. Echelon position of the troughs of the Chapoma-Leshukon paleorift and their form close to pull-apart imply their laying and development under transtension conditions with elements of the right-side shear along the steep north-eastern edges of the grabens which conform best of all to the action of external forces, i.e. to passive rifting.

The Island chain of the Srednie Ludy archipelago is established to be a strait arch between troughs separating two modern grabens. They are the Kandalaksha graben inheriting an ancient Riphean trough and Kolvitskii graben. The Sredniye Ludy reprecents an accommodation zone of tectonic strains. At the same time this strait arch is a limit of the extension of the Riphean synrifting formations to the North-West. Processes of modern graben formation in the White Sea can’t be related to mature continental rifting because the grabens occur in the upper parts of the basement without disturbance of the whole thickness of the Earth’ crust.

Occurences of the Barents Sea magmatic complex along the Barents Sea coast of the Kola Peninsula are supposed to be related genetically to the processes of continental rifting that took place in the Middle-Late Riphean along the ancient continental margin of the East European platform.

Studies of the West Spitsbergen coast showed that the similarity between the structural paragenesis of Upper Precambrian complexes of the Vedel Yarlberg Terra and structural paragenesises of the Polar Urals Protouralides-Timanides and the South part of the Novaya Zemlya and lack of coincidence of those paragenesises space orientation with the strike of supposed extension of the Scandinavian Caledonides on the Barents sea shelf give the opportunity to imply that the complexes of structural basement Svalbard are not Caledonides, but north-western extension of Protouralide-Timanide structures.

Processes of neotectonic deformation observed in the region of the Svalbard archipelago occur not only by spreading development in midocean ridges and transform displacement but as a result of influence of tectonic strain field generated in the marginal part of the Barents Sea plate.

А.И. Слабунов[152], Н.В. Шаров[153], Э.В. Исанина[154], Н.А. Крупнова[155], Ю.В. Рослов[156], Н.И. Щипцова[157]

Сейсмотомографическая модель земной коры по профилю ГСЗ – ОГТ «Суша-Море» Калевала-Кемь-горло Белого моря

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