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Once upon a time I wrote a story about a front line soldier who, on going to the front, addressed his beloved with the following words: " We shall lead a well-to-do life after the war." But he returned crippled. We have been living in peace for forty five years already, but neither the soldiers of the War of the Fatherland, nor their sons, nor their grandchildren, participants in the Afghan War, have lived normal lives. The time rolls by, but grief remains on earth, non the less. The whole world has changed after the war, but paradoxically enough the vanquished lead prosperous life and the victors suffer from ignorance and poverty.

We must realize once and for all that political idle fancies and a chimera of the bright future have suppressed the forces of reason and creativity. This is especially valid concerning all that is pertinent to nuclear violence. Going into raptures over military might is vicious. The greatness of a state is defined by its attitude toward man and his lifestyle. Earth men must realize themselves in practice as a single knitted family. At least we must understand that values common to all mankind must be give top priority, vis-a-vis military and position-of-strength aspirations. Unwise politics has always made a rod for its own back.

In the Abai region, where for over forty years there sounded nuclear explosions, a mother of three leukemia-affected children called for help, pleading with me thus: "Brother, help me! We are dying. For God’s sake save my children!" And my ears are still ringing with that wretched woman’s voice. One more time I ask the question: "What should the writer’s stand be?" And probably, I won’t be able to find a reply til my very last day.

But, turn to look the children in the face, who suffer from ailments. Don’t pass by; lend a helping hand; do something good for them. You can.

Neither happiness, nor peace will there be on Earth, if a child, worn out by disease, cries and languishes; no achievements, boons or satiety then justify mankind.

My dear compatriot! I would like to tell you that we cannot just remain passive witnesses of what is going around. I am sure of your support, and I am addressing the Regional Soviet of People’s Deputies, with a request to allow me to open in Semipalatinsk, an account for "The Foundation for Children-Victims of Nuclear Tests." The anti-nuclear "Nevada-Semipalatinsk" movement befittingly accomplishes its main task of stopping nuclear tests in the whole world. The foundation in question is to alleviate the fate of sick children, cripples, orphans, large families, particularly, the children stricken by ecological catastrophes and natural calamities. The encouragement and practical support of doomed children is a constituent part of the nuclear test victims’ movement.

I donated my emoluments from the book "The Day the World Collapsed", dealing with the first H-bomb testing and devoted to the citizens of Nevada and Semipalatinsk to the Foundation. More than that, the Foundation will be receiving part of my royalties for every new book put out at home and abroad, as well as the money I receive for my public appearances. My first contribution will amount to 30,000 rubles. My desire to establish the Foundation has fervently been supported by my counterparts, my friends, by public figures and private citizens in Japan, Finland, Germany and Hungary who are prepared to cooperate with the Foundation. What is more, charitable commercial joint ventures will be established by mutual agreement and individual donations will be received from the citizens of various countries.

I am urging everyone not to abandon or leave our children in trouble. The Koran and the Gospel say that a repentant sinner is dearer than a righteous man. I continue by addressing my colleagues, men of art, all those who wish to hear me.

I wish to believe that the insane nuclear age will be gone, and human civilization, which has been gained through much suffering of the best human minds, will eventually survive, thanks to tolerance and humanness. And, as this is so, we could with the sense of discharged duty, transfer the fruits of world civilization to generations to come. The future belongs to children!

Respectfully submitted,

Rollan Seisenbayev

Writer, Moscow

p. s. More, I am planning to compile a book composed of the letters and diaries of those who suffered from the nuclear Moloch. April 6,1990


We who have gathered here today are ubited by our common concern for peace, charity and humanity in the world.

A healthy civilization is founded upon, and derives its strengh from, its commitment no common goals.

Harry Truman once told Dean Rusk that the Presidency of the Rockefeller Soundation was the best job one could ever have.

In the 1960 s, the Rockefeller Foundation funded the construction of a modest hospital and medical school in Beijing. Today they have become the Center of Chinese Medicine.

I am proud to say that our fund is now affiliated with the Center.

The activinies of all charitable funds and organizations are inspired,y feelings of humanity, generosity and compassion.

The programs of all these funds need not be based on market factors. Our simple task is contribute to the morality of mankind. We enviaion such a morality in these terms.

A person gives birth to an idea, the idea then spawns action, and the action earns recognition. Everybody kniws the names Peter Goldmark, the President of the Rockfeller Foundation, Dennis Hayes, the brain behind the Earth Day celebration, and Olzhas Suleimeanov, the founder of the Nevada-Semipalatinsk Anti-Nuclear Movement. Of course, we all know of others who have devoted their lives to the struggle against nuclear violence who have undeservebly gone unsung.

My new book, The Grain Grows on Top Cadavers, is about the life of Americans and Kazakhs suffering the nuclear madness, and dying of leukemia and cancer. I dedicate this book to all of you and to the children who have died as a conseguence of the nuclear tests and those who are still alive today.

A great American, William Penn, "You will aee what love can do." He became the personification of dignity, consience and purity of colonial America.

In his novel "Fiesta" another great American, Ernest Hemingway expreessed an egually important nhought. "A man cannot do his damnest alone."

These are the thoughts of the human spirit that unite us and are likewise the main topics of today’s conference.

I think that the shaping of a human being is still unfinished, and man is still striving to a superuor state.

Humans must be concerned about it all the time, and if they are not, they will be preparep for Truth.

The development of the human being differs in each of the four corners of the world, but those who are atrong and are ready to join together, those who are not wasting their time, will fail miserably if the Truth does not come.

The triumph of a human being need not be ephemeral (ee-FEM-er-ahl); we have to strive to the eternal victory of spirit and mind.

We have to call to the Truth. It is a false and unnecessary hope to believe that God’s alone can do it for us.

Now the force from below is the most fleeting on the earth.

That’s why it is important for all of us to each make personal efforts toward achieving a spiritual will, to search for good-heartedness and to regect all the ideas coming from our minds such as stupidity of physical nature, passions of greed and selfishness, to reject yourself and give all of yoursekf to the moves of the holy soul, to wish nothing but purity, light and openness. It’s the only way to master our spirits, lives and bodies.

Our kimited, eartky minds fre trying to judge the Eternity. We are trying to put it the frame of our standards and norms. We do not understand the danger of bottomless ignorance and self-absorption of that is natural for humans.

We are too weak to ascend to the level of God, who is above us all. We do not possess the Supermind yet. Mind is not the last step in the evolution of the human being.

We nust follow the intentions of the soul, not the mind. Only spiritual might would bring truth and eternity to this world full of darkness, lies and suffering.

Our goak is to transform a simple man into a global peraonality.

A beast into a priest. we cannot live with jealousy in souls. We must remember that jealouay does not exist in nature. We have to sacrifice our selfishness.

The Soviet A-Bomb was first tested at the Semipalatinsk Test Site on August 29, 1949. Our fund has declared this to be a Day of Mourning. This year will be the third anniversary of the dedication of this day. People from Japan, Germany and France were the active participants, and I have yet to see any Americans. Friends, you have become very dear to me, and I felt that you have great potential. We have to unite our efforts for the sake of the future.

I invite tvtry one of you to Semipalatinsk for the commemoration of the Day of Mourning (August 20–30), to participate in the rally and the conference "Problems of the Children, Problems of the Human Apirit."

Princeton, New Jersey May 3, 1992.

День, когда рухнул мир

Жертвам ядерных испытаний и экологических катастроф.


Книга – самый терпеливый учитель

Перед человечеством сегодня стоят три глобальные задачи: это защита мира, защита духовности и защита природы. Все они – главные условия нашего дальнейшего существования. Каждая из них неполна без другой. От этих трех начал зависит грядущее не только Казахстана, но и всего мира.

Гамлетовский вопрос "быть или не быть" относительно завтрашнего человечества будет стоять перед нами вечно, если мы не прислушаемся к голосу благоразумия.

Техническое развитие в мире шагнуло далеко вперед, благодаря чему человек стал расточителен в использовании природных ресурсов, созидательная энергия человека растрачивается попусту, и он утрачивает способность содержать богатейший океан культуры и мысли, накопленный предыдущими поколениями.

К сожалению, мы далеко не в полной мере осознаем это. Интеллектуальный и идеологический вакуум уводит людей в сторону от восприятия реальности, низвергает его в пучину разложения морального, нравственного, духовного.

Третье тысячелетие требует от нас утверждения гармонии в нашем общем доме ЗЕМЛЯ. Книга в своем первозданном, высоком и единственном священном и одухотворенном значенииявляется всесильным оружием человека в защите культуры и духовности.

Книга несет человечеству знания и просвещенность.

Книга хранит в себе тайны бытия рода человеческого.

Книга – плод человеческой мысли, наделенный дыханием времени и пространства.

Книге человечество доверило свои священные прозрения, откровения души. Только книга может научить, как двигаться вперед, как избежать катаклизмов и как взбираться на вершины человечности.

Книга – самый терпеливый учитель.

И только книга может научить нас безошибочно распознавать добро и зло, истину и ложь.

Для человека мыслящего нет ничего дороже книги!

200-томная Библиотека журнала "AMANAT" Международного клуба Абая посвящена 10-летию независимого Казахстана. Мы оставляем будущему своей страны – молодежи – единственное и наиболее полное завещание – Книгу.

Поддерживаю благородный поступок Клуба Абая.

Я искренне рад начинанию видного писателя Роллана Сейсенбаева в создании журнала "AMANAT" и 200-томной Библиотеки журнала.

Уверен, что истинные патриоты страны поддержат и помогут его стремлениям служить культуре и духовности Отчизны.

Желаю новому изданию внимательного и благодарного читателя.

Поздравляю казахстанцев с выходом первых томов Библиотеки журнала "AMANAT" – литература, искусство, история, философия, образование и религии народов мира.

Любите, берегите и будьте преданы книге.

Нурсултан Назарбаев

Президент Республики Казахстан

14 марта 2001 г.


…И услышал родной далекий голос.

"Мне трудно дышать, сын…"

И забормотал во сне:

"Отец, отец… Не уходи, отец, умоляю, ведь я так любил тебя, так люблю, нам нужно поговорить, нам о многом нужно поговорить впервые и всерьез".

"Ты слышишь, как дрожит вечная наша земля, сын мой?"

"Не слышу, не чувствую… Я теперь далеко от родных мест, я живу в Москве, из моего окна видны зубчатые кварталы бетонных новостроек, простирающиеся до горизонта".

"Она тяжело ворочается, она стонет и плачет. Неужели вам, живым, неведомо это?"

"Разве может плакать земля?…"

"Разве живые совсем оглохли? Разве не доносится до их ушей утробный, рвущий душу стон, плач, скрежет Вселенной? У тебя на родине вновь идут атомные испытания! Сатанинский огонь вновь гложет нутро земли! И земля – земля вновь неистовствует в поисках защиты и пощады. Разве ты забыл, как взрывали в Чингисских горах водородную бомбу тогда, много лет назад?"

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