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Frame of Mind. P. 348.

[10] Цит. по: Hollis P. Women in Public: the Women’s Movement, 1850–1900. L., 1979. Р. 306.

[11] Mary, Countess of Lovelace. Society and the Season // Fifty years: Memoirs and Contrasts: a Composite Picture to the Period 1882–1932 by Twenty-Seven Contributors to The Times / Ed. by G. M. Trevelyan. L., 1932. Р. 26.

[12] Devies Е. On Secondary Education Related to Girls, a Paper Read to the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. L., 1864. P. 6.

[13] Petrie Ch. Op. cit. P. 205.

[14] Rendall J. A Moral Engine? Feminism, Liberalism and the English Woman’s Journal // Equal or Different: Women’s Politics 1800–1914 / ed. by J. Rendall. N. Y., 1987. Р. 124.

[15] Jalland P. Women, Marriage and Politics 1860–1914. Oxford, 1986. P. 255.

[16] Mary, Countess of Lovelace. Op. cit. Р. 30.

[17] Queen Victoria in Her Letters and Journals / a selection by Ch. Hibbert. N. Y., 1985. P. 104–105.

[18] Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates. 1867. Vol. 188. 18 March – 1 May, № 829.

[19] Holcombe L. Victorian Wives and Property. Reform of the Married Women’s Property Law // A Widening Sphere: Changing Roles of Victorian Women. Indiana Iniv. Press, 1977. P. 5.

[20] URL: http://womenshistory.about.com/od/laws/g/coverture.htm (дата обращения: 26.05.2008).

[21] Norton C. English Laws for Women in the Nineteenth Century. L., 1854; Eadem. A Letter to the Queen on Lord Chancellor Cranford’s Marriage and Divorce Bill. L., 1855; Leigh Smith Bodichon B. Brief Summary in Plain Language of the Most Important Laws Concerning Women. L., 1854.

[22] Norton C. A Letter to the Queen on Lord Chancellor Cranford’s Marriage and Divorce Bill. Р. 8.

[23] Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates. 1867. Vol. 188. № 831.

[24] Norton C. A Letter to the Queen on Lord Chancellor Cranford’s Marriage and Divorce Bill. Р. 8.

[25] The Non-Violent Militant: Selected Writings of Teresa Bilington-Greig. L.; N. Y., 1987. Р. 33.

[26] Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates. 1870. Vol. 201. № 879.

[27] Ibid. № 881.

[28] Ibid. № 882.

[29] Речь Джейкоба Брайта в палате общин 4 мая 1870 г. (Ibid. № 199).

[30] Holcombe L. Wives and property. Reform of the Married Property Law in Nineteenth Century England. Oxford, 1983. P. 51.

[31] Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates. 1870. Vol. 201. № 199.

[32] Ibid. № 611.

[33] Ibid. 1867. Vol. 188. № 829.

[34] Holcombe L. Victorian Wives and Property. Р. 14.

[35] Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates. 1870. Vol. 203. № 396.

[36] Shore Arabella. The Present Aspect of Women’s Suffrage Considered. L., 1877. P. 12, 21. Reprinted from the «English Woman’s Review».

[37] Фаусетт М. Женское движение в Англии // Русская мысль. 1896. № 10. С. 109.

[38] Crawford E. The Women’s Suffrage Movement: a Reference Guide 1866–1928. L., 2001. P. 360.

[39] Strachey R. The Cause: the Story of the Women’s Movement in Great Britain. L., 1978. Р. 21.

[40] См., напр.: Linford M. Mary Wollstonecraft. L., 1924.

[41] Godwin W. Memoirs of the Author of «A Vindication of the Rights of Woman». L., 1798.

[42] Mill J. Autobiography. N. Y., 1961. P. 253.

[43] Sexual Equality. Writings by J. S. Mill, H. Taylor Mill, H. Taylor. Toronto, 1994. P. XVI.

[44] Mill J. Autobiography. P. 251.

[45] Taylor H. On Marriage // Sexual Equality. P. 19.

[46] Mill J. S. Statement in his marriage // Sexual Equality. P. 48.

[47] Fawcett M. Women’s Suffrage in Great Britain. L., 1912. Р. 17.

[48] Материал взят из биографических очерков, приведенных в справочнике: Crawford E. Op. cit.

[49] Организационно оформлено в 1872 г.

[50] Bright E. The Ancient One. L., 1927. P. 12.

[51] Mrs. Priscilla Bright McLaren: the Obituary // The Times. 1906. 6 November. (Presscatting). Mod Arncliffe Sennett Collection. Vol. A. National Library.

[52] Ibid.

[53] Mason B. The Story of the Women’s Suffrage Movement. L., 1912. P. 53.

[54] Rubinstein D. A Different World for Women: the Life of Millicent Garrett Fawcett. Hemel Hempstead, 1991. P. 24.

[55] Pankhurst S. The Suffragette Movement. L., 1977. P. 32.

[56] Reader W. J. Victorian England. L., 1973. P. 23.

[57] Howarth J. Mrs. Henry Fawcett (1847–1929): the Widow as a Problem in Feminist Biography // Votes for Women. L.; N. Y., 2000. Р. 93.

[58] Ibid. P. 54–55.

[59] Strachey R. Women’s suffrage and women’s service: the history of the London and National Society for Women’s Service. Westminster, 1927. P. 13.

[60] Strachey R. Millicent Garrett Fawcett. L., 1931. P. 103.

[61] Доброва Е. А. Феномен европейского общественного мнения // История Европы. М., 2000. Т. 5. С. 365–378.

[62] Ibid. C. 370.

[63] Исключение составляет более частная работа шведского исследователя Р. Нессхейма, посвященная изучению позиции английской прессы в отношении суфражизма в период с 1910 по 1918 г.: Nessheim R. British Political Newspapers and Women’s Suffrage, 1910–1918. Oslo, 1991.

[64] См. напр.: Holton S. Feminism and Democracy: Women’s Suffrage and Reform Politics in Britain, 1900–1918. Cambridge, 1986; Kent S. Sex and Suffrage in Britain, 1860–1914. Princeton, 1987; The Suffrage Reader. L.; N. Y., 2000.

[65] Е. Л. Избирательные права женщин в Англии // Отечественные записки. 1871. № 6. С. 328.

[66] Pugh М. The March of Women: a Revisionist Analysis of the Campaign for Women’s Suffrage, 1866–1914. Oxford, 2000. P. 18.

[67] Strachey R. The Cause. L., 1978. P. 118, 121.

[68] Strachey R. Women’s Suffrage and Women’s Service: the History of the London and National Society for Women’s Service. Westminster, 1927. Р. 12.

[69] Shore A. The present Aspect of Women’s Suffrage Considered. L., 1877. P. 11–12. Reprinted from the «English Woman’s Review».

[70] Becker L. The Rights and Duties of Women in Local Government: Read at the Conference on Behalf of Extending the Parliamentary Franchise to Women, Held in the Victoria Rooms, Clifton, Bristol, on January 24, 1879. Manchester, 1879. Р. 5.

[71] Ibid. P. 10.

[72] Newspapers and Journals // Crawford E. Op. cit. P. 462.

[73] Hollis P. Op. cit. Р. 322.

[74] Ibid. Р. 325.

[75] The Daily Mail. 1906. 5 November.

[76] Hollis P. Op. cit. P. 328.

[77] Ibid. P. 330.

[78] Ibid.

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