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The Handbook of Journalism Studies. London: Routledge.

524. Waisbord S. (2019) Communication: A Post-Discipline. UK: Polity Press.

525. Watson J. (2008) Nursing the Philosophy and Science of Caring. Revised Edition. Boulder: University Press of Colorado.

526. Watson J. (2016) Media Communication: An Introduction to Theory and Process. London: Palgrave.

527. Wessels B. (2013). The Reproduction and Reconfiguration of Inequality: Differentiation and Class, Status, and Power in the Dynamics of Digital Divides. In: Ragnedda M., Muschert G. W. (eds.) The Digital Divide: The Internet and Social Inequality in International Perspective. New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 17–28.

528. Williams R. (1975) Television: Technology and Cultural Form. New York: Schocken Books.

529. Zasoursky I. I. (2002) Media and Power in Post-Soviet Russia. New York: M. E. Sharpe.

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