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some other place due to his health conditions and he even is late for the Great October Revolution so that it has to be headed by Trotsky, aka Bronstein.

Busy as he is, Leo Davidovich still finds a spare room for Lenin in the Smolny Institution of Noble Maidens (the seat of the putsch coordinators, hired because of…well, yes, maidenhead might incite weird wishes and reactions, it’s hard to propose a wholesome explanation here, no, you never can tell what urges to expect because of the membrane) teeming with lice-peckered crowd of hitmen full of revolutionary enthusiasm. The forked out room has a window presenting a view on the adjacent alleys in the park and truckloads of departing mission groups to seize Telegraph, Telephone or another Railway station. Yes, the State Bank is already secured (as advised in April Theses). Then the Interim Government gets arrested and the historical round of decree-promises—Land to Peasants! Factories to Workers! Peace to Peoples!—fired off. Russia enters 5 years of the most atrocious Civil War.

The revolutionary government (multi-partied as of yet, each of the parties split by internal frictions) moves to Moscow. Trotsky boards an iron-clad train and choo-chooes off to command (strategically) divers fronts of the flaring up war (“Peace to Peoples!»). Lenin stays back to tune up paper work in the newly created bureaucratic apparatus (the 58 volumes of Complete Works still not amassed.)

Some young and full of revolutionary romanticism hit-girl, a certain Kaplan (what’s in the name? nothing until you learn to read the names) from the especially unsatisfied fraction of the Social-Revolutionary party (SRs), visits a meeting where Lenin makes another of his speeches. She shoots and hits his shoulder. SRs had enough grounds for dissatisfaction, their party was always there before the Bolshies’ maiden making their bones. The royal family was SR’s traditional hunting grounds, a Czar or 2 scored, not to mention a slew of ministers. How not to be jealous of the green horns whose main, if not the only, asset is close connections among the criminal world? In the beginning of their political career, so as to keep the party’s accounts well balanced, Bolsheviks specialized in robbing banks by hands-on instructions from the underground advisors (young Stalin, freshly from the Tiflis seminary, was notably proficient in that line). The activity grew obsolete because of the huge grant from an anonymous friend by the end of the WWI but the connections remained.

The shot by Kaplan marked the start of establishing one-party political system in the country taking course towards building of Socialism with Human Face. She was arrested at the crime scene and taken to the Kremlin, put against the fortress wall of ancient brickwork and executed. The case of Kaplan indicated the end to soft czarist times of prolonged court sessions and talk-work of attorneys at their competitions in eloquence. Technically, it took 2 slobs, 1 shot fired thru her head and 1 barrel full of lime to dump the body into. Not what you call gentlemanly attitude, however, the act (and many other of the sort) efficiently prevented appearance of any revolutionary-minded clandestine groupings in the oncoming USSR, with proper timely repetition of the proceedings.

Who won in the GOR? An interesting question, yet, given the invisibility of some parts it’s easier to see who lost. Gentry and bourgeoisie were wiped away as classes, the church never managed to built non-secular state in Russia, they always were a go-between, not builders. 6 – 1 – 1 – 1 = 3. Yes, Classes 4 thru 6 remained of whom They announced workers and peasants the winners (much later the formula was added with “working intelligentsia” all sorts of doctor-engineer-writer-composers, you know, which never were considered a class but inter-layer between classes).

But what was then? Regaining their senses after the bloodbath in the Civil War, the plowmen saw that the land still did not belong to those who worked on it. They tried at uprising a couple of times, however, without the hereditary military around (gentry were wiped out already) what could they do against the regular Red Army, eh? The uprisings were quenched with poison gas stockpiled at the WWI times and nobody wanted any more to go up against the collectivization, the people were fettered to land by the workingmen sons donned in the Red Army uniform. That way the winning class (invisible) neutralized the basic force that secured the GOR victory.

As for the revolutionary ferment, all those commissars and the rest of heroes of other nationality affiliation they were an easy crack. Great Purge was set off. The peasant-proletarian fists were deforming the arrested, crushing teeth, beating out the ear drums and, eventually confessions of collaborating with 3 different imperialistic intelligent services as minimum, while the officiary kept his hands clean piling up another file of documents. Because you cannot go against the nature and execution is not so painful… Anything still live and thinking was systematically taken, in millions, to the camps within the Polar Circle where the Arctic Nature conditions did their job with no less efficiency but cheaper, than gas chambers. The class of workers, naturally absolutely forgot that factories were theirs…

Now, below the disguising red placards about the victory of workers and peasants They gained absolute power. What secured the victory of Class 6? Subtle calculations and flawless execution of strategical planning? Fuck, no! Do not make yourself an idol. Class 6 is just a class having as many idiots as any other, they hang on an elementary plagiarism. Even such Genius of Strategy as I. V. Stalin needed an instructive master-class-for-dummies “Night of Long Knives” from advanced Germany to aid him in planning the assassination of S. M. Kirov before the New Year night.

Now, after 7 decades of keeping people at the level of mental activities framed by turnkey-prisoner relations, the great nation turned into the 1/6 alcoholic part of the world where master-thieves and ministers are corporately doing their mutual business while those who can understand it dream of fleeing

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