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Wright, David F. M.A., Cambridge University. Senior Lecturer in Ecclesiastical History, University of Edinburgh, Scotland.

Wright, John Stafford. M.A., Cambridge University. Formerly Principal, Tyndale Hall, Bristol, England.

Wyngaarden, Martin J. Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania. Sometime Professor of Old Testament Interpretation, Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Youngblood, Ronald. Ph.D., Dropsie College. Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, Bethel Seminary West, San Diego, California.

Zerner, Ruth. Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley. Associate Professor of History, Lehman College, City University of New York, New York, New York.

Условные сокращения

англ. английский

авг. август

ап. апостол

апр. апрель

арам. арамейский

букв. буквальный

В. восток

в., вв. век, века

вар. вариант

ВЗ Ветхий Завет

в.-з. ветхозаветный

вт.ч. в том числе

вкл. включительно, включая

вост. восточный

дек. декабрь

доел. дословный (-о)

др.... древне-...

др. другой

евр. еврейский

ед.ч. единственное число

en. епископ

ж-л журнал

жен. женский

зап. западный

мл. младший

млн. миллион

млрд. миллиард

мн.ч. множественное число

муж. мужской

НЗ Новый Завет

н.-з. новозаветный

н.э. наша эра

напр. например

нач. начало

нек-рый некоторый

нем. немецкий

нояб. ноябрь

пер. перевод (чик)

пол. половина

преп. преподобный

проч. прочий (-ее)

р.... ранне-...

р-н район

разд. раздел

ред. редактор, редакция

с.усс. страница, страницы

сб. сборник

св. святой, священный

сев. северный

сент. сентябрь

Септ. Септуагинта

сер. середина

синод. синодальный

сл.о. следующим образом

см. смотри

сокр. сокращенно (-ный)

соотв. соответственно

ср. сравни

ср.... средне-...

ср.-век. средневековый

ст. стих, статья, старший

т. том, тома

т.д. так далее

т.е. то есть

т.н. так называемый

т.п. тому подобный

т. о. таким образом

Тг. Таргум

тыс. тысяча

фев. февраль

цит. цитата

янв. январь

ANF TheAnte-Nicene Fathers, ed. A. Roberts and J. Donaldson

APTR The American Presbyterian and Theological Review

AQ American Quarterly

ASR American Sociological Review

ATR Anglican Theological Review

Aug Augustinianum

AugS Augustinian Studies

AU SS Andrew's University Seminary Studies

A V Authorized Version of the Bible

BJRL Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library

Blunt Dictionary of Doctrinal and Historical Theology, ed. J. H. Blunt

BR Biblical Research

BRM Biblical Research Monthly

BS Bibliotheca Sacra

ВТ The Bible Today

BTB Biblical Theology Bulletin

CattDi Catholic Digest

CBQ The Catholic Biblical Quarterly

CCen The Christian Century

Ccri Christianity and Crisis

CGT Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges

CH Church History

CHR The Catholic Historical Review

Chu Churchman

CJ The Classical Journal

Con Concilium

CongQ Congregational Quarterly

CQ Covenant Quarterly

CQR Church Queerly Review

CT Christianity Today

CTJ Calvin Theological Journal

CTM Concordia Theological Monthly

CTQ Concordia Theological Quarterly

CW The Catholic World

DBSup Dictionnaire de la Bible, supplement, ed. L. Pirot

DCB A Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature, Sects and Doctrines, ed. W. Smith and H. Wace

DCE Baker's Dictionary of Christian Ethics,ed. C. F. H. Henry

DNB Dictionary of National Biography

DOP Dumbarton Oaks Papers

DTC Dictionnaire de theologie catholique, ed. A. Vacant, E. Mangenot, and E. Amann

EB Encyclopaedia Biblica, ed. T. K. Cheyne and J. S. Black

EJ Encyclopaedia Judaica

EncyBrit Encyclopaedia Britannica

ER Encyclopedia of Religion, ed. V. Ferm

ER V English Revised Version of the Bible

Eter Eternity

EvQ Evangelical Quarterly

Exp The Expositor

Exp T The Expository Times

FH Fides et Historia

GM The Gospel Magazine

Greg Gregorianum

HBD Harper's Bible Dictionary, M. S. Miller and J.L. Miller

HDAC Dictionary of the Apostolic Church, ed. J. Hastings

HDB A Dictionary of the Bible, ed. J. Hastings

HDCG A Dictionary of Christ and the Gospels, ed.J. Hastings

HDSB Harvard Divinity [School] Bulletin Her Hermes

HERE Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics, ed.J. Hastings

HLR Human Life Review

HMPEC Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church

HTR Harvard Theological Review

HUCA Hebrew Union College Annual

HZNT Handbuch zum Neuen Testament

IB The Interpreter's Bible

IBD The Illustrated Bible Dictionary, ed. W. C. Piercy

ICC The International Critical Commentary

1DB The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, ed. G. A. Buttrick

IDB Supplement The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, supplementary volume ed. K.Crim

IEJ Israel Exploration JoumaI

Int Interpretation

1RM International Review of Mission

ISBE The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, ed. J. Orr

ISBE (rev.) The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, ed. G. W. Bromiley

ITQ Irish Theological Quarterly

JAAR Journal of the American Academy of Religion

JAOS Journal of the American Oriental Society

JASA Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation JBL Journal of Biblical Literature

JCMHS The Journal of the Calvinistic Methodist Historical Society JCR The Journal of Christian Reconstruction

JCS Journal of Church and State Jeev Jeevadhara

JEH The Journal of Ecclesiastical History

JETS Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society

JHBS Journal of the History of Behavioral Sciences

JHI Journal of the History of Ideas

JJS Journal of Jewish Studies

JNES Journal of Near Eastern Studies

JPH Journal of Presbyterian History

JPSP Journal of Personality and Social Psychology

JPT Journal of Psychology and Theology

JQR The Jewish Quarterly Review

JR The Journal of Religion

JRH Journal of Religion and Health

JSS Journal of Semitic Studies

JTS The Journal of Theological Studies

Kat Katallagete

LCC The Library of Christian Classics

Lesh Leshonenu

LTK Lexikon fur Theologie und Kirche, ed. I. Buchberger, J. Hofer, and ?. Rahner

LUA Lunds UniversitetsArskrift

LXX Septuagint

MarS Marian Studies

McCQ McCormick Quarterly

MissRev Missiology: An International Review

MP Modem Philology

MQR The Mennonite Quarterly Review

MSt Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature ed. J. McClintock and J. Strong

NAB New American Bible

NASB New American Standard Bible

NatGeo National Geographic

NBC The New Bible Commentary,(1st edition) ed. F. Davidson, (3d edition) ed. D. Guthrie and J. A. Motyer

NBD The New Bible Dictionary, ed. J. D. Douglas

NCE New Catholic Encyclopedia

NEB New English Bible

NEQ The New England Quarterly

NIDCC The New International Dictionary of the Christian Church, ed. J. D. Douglas

NIDNTT The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology, ed. C. Brown

NIV New International Version of the Bible

NKJV New King James Version of the Bible

NovT Novum Testamentum

NPNF [A Select Library of] The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, ed. P. Schaff and H. Wace

NT New Testament

NTS New Testament Studies

NZSTR Neue Zeitschrift fur systematischem Theologie und Religionsphilosophie

ОDCС The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, ed. E L. Cross

ОТ Old Testament

OTS Oudtestamentische Studien

PAPS Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society

PBA Proceedings of the British A cademy PC The Presbyterian Communique

PEQ Palestine Exploration Quarterly PI The Public Interest

PP Pastoral Psychology

PPR Philosophy and Phenomenological Research

PRE Realencyklopadie fur protestantische Theologie und Kirche, ed. J. J. Herzog and A. Hauck

Presb Presbyterion

PRR The Presbyterian and Reformed Review

Pru Prudentia

PTR The Princeton Theological Review

Rat Ratio

RB Revue biblique

RCDA Religion in Communist Dominated Areas

RE Review and Expositor

RelEd Religious Education

RelS Religions Studies

Rev Revelation

RevM The Review of Metaphysics

RGG Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegen -wart

RQ Restoration Quarterly

RQum Revue de Qumran

RR Reformed Review

RRR Review of Religious Research

RSCHS Record of the Scottish Church History Society

RSV Revised Standard Version of the Bible

RTR The Reformed Theological Review

RTWB A Theological Word Book of the Bible, ed. A. Richardson

RUS Rice University Studies

RV Revised Version of the Bible

SBk Kommentar zum Neuen Testament aus Talmud und Midrasch, ed. H. Strack and P. Billerbeck

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