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Csikzntmihalyi М. Flow: The psychology of happiness. – London, 1990.

Ekman P. Why Kids Lie: how parents can encourage truthfulness. – Melbourne, 1989.

FraibergS. H. The Magic Years: Understanding and handling the problems of early childhood. – New York, 1959.

Fuller A. Raising Real People. – Melbourne, 2002.

Fuller A. Help Your Child Succeed at School. – Inyahead Press: Queenscliff (www/inyahead.com.au).

Gallway W. T. The Inner Game of Tennis. – London, 1974.

Greene R. W., Ablon J. S. Treating Explosive Kids. – New York, 2006.

Healy J. M. Failure to Connect: How computers affect our children's minds – and what we can do about it. – New York, 1998.

Kageler L. Helping your Teenager with Peer Pressure. – Colorado, 1989.

Kurcinka M. S. Raising your Spirited Child. – New York, 1991.

Levine M. A Mind at s Time. – New York, 2002.

Levy R., O'Hanlon B. Try and Make Me!: Simple strategies that turn off the tantrums and create cooperation. – New York, 2001.

Marshall M. Discipline without Stress: Punishment or Rewards. – California, 2004.

Nelson J. Positive Discipline. – New York, 1981.

Wallace I. You and Your ADD Child: Practical Strategies for coping with everyday problems. – Sydney, 1996.

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