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Цветков А. Состояние сна, 1981

Цветков А. Эдем, 1985

Цех поэтов (№ 1), 1978

Чаадаев П. Философические письма, 1978

Чуковский К. Поэт и палач, 1976

Шварц Е. Труды и дни Лавинии, 1987

Шестов Л. Начала и концы, 1978

Шестов Л. Тургенев, 1982

Шкловский В. О теории прозы, 1985

Эйхенбаум Б., Виноградов В., Жирмунский В. Анна Ахматова: Три книги, 1990

Эльбаум Г. Анализ иудейских глав “Мастера и Маргариты” М.Булгакова, 1981

Эрдман Н. Самоубийца, 1980

Юрьенен С. Скорый в Петербург, 1989

Юрьенен С. Сын империи, 1986

На английском языке

Abramov Fyodor. Two Winters and Three Summers, 1984

Akhmatova Anna. My Half Century. Selected Prose, 1992

Akhmatova Anna. A Poem Without a Hero, 1973

Akhmatova Anna. Selected Poems, 1976

Aksyonov Vassily. The Destruction of Pompeii & Other Stories, 1991

Aksyonov Vassily. Our Golden Ironburg, 1989

Aksyonov Vassily. The Steel Bird & Other Stories, 1979

Aksyonov Vassily. Surplussed Barrelware, 1985

Andreyeva-Chernov Olga. Cold Spring in Russia, 1978

Annensky Innokenty. The Cypress Chest / Kiparisovyi larets, bilingual, 1982

Antonych Bohdan. Square of Angels: Selected Poems, 1977

Arndt Walter ed. Pushkin Threefold: Narrative Lyric Polemic and Ribald Verse, first Ardis ed., 1993

Babel Isaak. The Forgotten Prose, 1978

Bakhtin Mikhail. Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics, 1973

Bakunin Mikhail. From Out of the Dustbin, 1984

Barabtarlo Gennadi. Phantom of Fact: A Guide to Nabokov’s Pnin, 1989

Belknap Robert L. ed. Russianness: In Memory of Rufus W. Mathewson, 1990

Belozerskaya Lyubov. My Life with Mikhail Bulgakov, 1983

Bely Andrei. Complete Short Stories, 1979

Bely Andrei. Kotik Letaev, 1971

Bialoszewski Miron. A Memoir of the Warsaw Uprising, 1977

Birger Boris. Catalogue, 1975

Bitov Andrei. Life in Windy Weather, 1986

Bitov Andrei. Pushkin House, 1990

Bitsilli Peter. Chekov’s Art, 1983

Boyd Brian. Nabokov’s “Ada”: The Place of Consciousness, 1985

Brodsky Joseph. A Stop in the Desert, broadside, 1973

Brown Edward J. “Brave New World”, “1984” andWe ”. An Essay on Anti-Utopia, 1976

Brown Nathalie Babel. Hugo & Dostoevsky, 1978

Brown William Edward. A History of 18th-Century Russian Literature, 1980

Brown William Edward. A History of Russian Literature of the Romanic Period 4 vols., 1986

Brown William Edward. A History of 17th-Century Russian Literature, 1980

Browning Gary. Boris Pilniak, 1985

Bulgakov Mikhail. Diaboliad and Other Stories [second edition], 1992

Bulgakov Mikhail. The Master and Margarita, 1995

Bulgakov Mikhail. Notes on the Cuff & Other Stories, 1991

Cattafi Bartolo. The Dry Air of Fire & Other Poems, 1982

Cerny Vaclav. Dostoevsky and His “Devils”, 1975

Chapple R. A Dostoevsky Dictionary, 1982

Charents Eghishe. Land of Fire: Selected Poems, 1986

Chernyshevsky Nikolai. What Is to Be Done? 1988

Chudakov A. P. Chekhov’s Poetics, 1983

Chukovsky Kornei. Alexander Blok as Man and Poet, 1982

Chukovsky Kornei. Poet and Hangman, Nekrasov and Muravyov, 1977

Cioran Samuel D. The General’s Daughter, bilingual, 1993

Cioran Samuel D. Russian Alive! bilingual, 1992

Cioran Samuel D. Welcome to Divnograd, bilingual, 1992

Cohen Arthur A. Osip Emilievich Mandelstam: An Essay in Antiphon, 1974

Conant Roger. The Political Poetry and Ideology of F. I. Tiutchev, 1983

Davies Jessie. Esenin: A Biography in Memoirs Letters and Essays, 1982

De Quille Dan. Dives and Lazarus, 1988

Dostoevsky Fyodor. The Complete Letters 5 vols., 1988–91

Dostoevsky Fyodor. The Crocodile: An Extraordinary Event or a Show in the Arcade, 1985

Dostoevsky Fyodor. The Double: Two Versions, 1985

Dostoevsky Fyodor. Poor Folk, 1983

Dostoevsky Fyodor. The Unpublished Dostoevsky: Diaries and Notebooks, 1860-81, 3 vols., 1973–76

Dovlatov Sergei. Inostranka: A Russian Reader, bilingual, 1995

Dovlatov Sergei. The Invisible Book, 1979

Durova Nadezhda. The Cavalry Maid: The Memoirs of a Woman Soldier of 1812, 1988

Eikhenbaum Boris. Lermontov, 1981

Eikhenbaum Boris. Russian Prose, 1985

Eikhenbaum Boris. Tolstoi in the Sixties, 1982

Eikhenbaum Boris. Tolstoi in the Seventies, 1982

Eikhenbaum Boris. The Young Tolstoi, 1972

Erdman Nikolai. “The Mandate” and “The Suicide”, 1975

Evreinov Nikolai. Life as Theater: Five Modern Plays by Nikolai Evreinov, 1973

Fetzer Leland ed. Pre-Revolutionary Russian Science Fiction, 1982

Fiene Donald. Alexander Solzhenitsyn: An International Bibliography, 1973

Fisher Lynn and Fisher Wesley. The Moscow Gourmet.

Dining Out in the Capital of the USSR. A Guide, 1974

Floridi Alexis U. Moscow and the Vatican, 1986

Fodor Alexander. Tolstoy and the Russians: Reflections on a Relationship, 1984

Fonvizin Denis. The Political and Legal Writings of Denis Fonvizin, 1985

Fowler Douglas. A Reader’s Guide to Gravity’s Rainbow, 1980

Frantz Phillip. Gogol: A Bibliography, 1989

Fyodorov Vadim. An Ordinary Magic Watch, 1977

Galich Alexander. Songs and Poems, 1983

Gazdanov Gaito. An Evening with Claire, 1988

George Emery. The Boy and the Monarch, 1987

George Emery ed. Contemporary East European Poetry, 1983

George Emery. Kate’s Death, 1980

George Emery. Voiceprints, 1987

Gippius Vassily. Gogol, 1981

Gladilin Anatoly. The Making and Unmaking of a Soviet Writer, 1979

Gladilin Anatoly. Moscow Racetrack, 1990

Gogol Nikolai. Arabesques, 1982

Gogol Nikolai. Hanz Kuechelgarten, 1990

Golovskoy Valery and Rimberg John. Behind the Soviet Screen: The Motion-Picture Industry in the USSR 1972–1982, 1986

Goncharov Ivan. An Ordinary Story, 1994

Goncharov Ivan. The Precipice, 1994

Goscilo Helena. Lives in Transit: A Collection of Recent Russian Women’s Writing, 1995

Goscilo Helena and Lindsey Byron. Glasnost: An Anthology of Russian Literature under Gorbachev, 1990

Goscilo Helena and Lindsey Byron. The Wild Beach and Other Stories, 1992

Green Michael. The Russian Symbolist Theatre, 1986

Green Michael and Katsell Jerome. The Unknown Russian Theater, 1991

Grin Alexander. Selected Short Stories, 1987

Grossman Leonid. Dostoevsky and Balzac, 1973

Gumilev Nikolai. On Russian Poetry, 1977

Gur Arieh. The Escape from Kiev to Tel-Aviv, 1982

Guro Elena. The Little Camels of the Sky, 1983

Hagglund Roger. Georgy Adamovich: An Annotated Bibliography, 1985

Hagglund Roger. A Vision of Unity: Adamovich in Exile, 1985

Hazan Baruch. Soviet Impregnational Propaganda, 1982

Holz Arno. Dichterjubilaum, 1978

Innis Joanne et al. Intermediate & Advanced Russian Reader, 1983

Iskander Fazil. The Goatibex Constellation, 1975

Iskander Fazil. Rabbits and Boa Constrictors, 1989

Ivanov Vsevolod. Armored Train 14–69, 1978

Johnson D. Barton. Worlds in Regression: Some Novels of Vladimir Nabokov, 1985

Johnson Lemuel. Highlife for Caliban, 1973

Johnson Lemuel. Hand on the Navel, 1978

Karges Joann. Nabokov’s Lepidoptera, 1985

Kataev Valentin. The Embezzlers, 1978

Kern Gary ed. Zamyatin’s “We”: A Collection of Critical Essays, 1988

Kern Gary and Collins Christopher eds. The Serapion Brother: Stories and Essays, 1975

Khlebnikov Velimir. Snake Train, 1976

Kiparsky Valentin. Russian Historical Grammar, 1979

Klyuev Nikolai. Poems, 1977

Knapp Liza ed. Dostoevsky as Reformer, 1987

Kolesnikoff Nina. Yury Trifonov: A Critical Study, 1991

Kochina Elena. Blockade Diary, 1990

Kostelanetz Richard. Portraits from Memory, 1976

Kuzmin Mikhail. Wings: Prose and Poetry, 1972

Lauridsen Inger Thorup and Dalgaard Per. The Beat Generation and the Russian New Wave, 1990

Lawton Anna. Vadim Shershenevich. From Futurism to Imaginism, 1981

Lazard Naomi. Ordinances, 1978

Leatherbarrow William and Offord Derek eds. Documentary History of Russian Thought, 1987

Lehrman Edgar. A Guide to the Russian Texts of Tolstoi’s “War and Peace”, 1980

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