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of the candidates is the full incarnation of the Absolute Consciousness of Sai.

Note, the presence of one full incarnation of Prema Sai does not negate the potential possibility of the parallel existence of a certain number of partial divine incarnations, manifesting various aspects in themselves. According to my feeling, some candidates may well turn out to be scammers or even mentally deranged people. The situation is not easy.

When we talk about the process of reincarnation of the human soul, it is logical to assume that after the death of the body, the soul continues its journey in the subtle space, and ultimately reincarnates in a new body. If we think about the reincarnation of God, then we come into contact with the impersonal ultimate reality. This means that in this case there are no restrictions, including the number of bodies in which the Absolute Consciousness can be embodied.

We can find all the answers only in the depths of our spiritual heart. Of course, I am not suggesting that logic should be completely excluded from our investigation. Logic can sometimes be helpful, although it should be remembered that logic has strong limitations, especially when we are trying to understand the mystery of God's birth on Earth.

The practice of deep meditation and the opening of the spiritual heart is what will help everyone to understand such a complex issue. Mystical experiences and insights are very subjective experiences; therefore, what one person feels and realizes may be completely inaccessible or unacceptable for another.

In the process of learning the truth about God, it is impossible to hide behind other people's backs or authoritative opinions. Even if millions of people claim that some candidate is the true Prema Sai Baba, this does not negate your personal responsibility for your own choice. Only one's own personal practice of meditation and contemplation can lead a person to enlightenment about the truth.

In the following chapters we will consider the unique predictions of Sathya Sai Baba himself about his future birth. I will provide facts and evidence that the boy born in the village of Doddamallur on June 28, 2012, is the true full incarnation of Prema Sai Baba.

4. Sathya Sai Baba blessed this book

Once Jaya Lakshmi Amma asked me to write an article, and possibly a whole book, with my memories and testimonies about Prema Sai Baba and his childhood. Thus began the preliminary work on this book. The first pages of the manuscript appeared already in 2018, although the main work began in 2023, immediately after the Shivaratri festival, as I have already described.

Jaya Lakshmi Amma's request was quite natural as I had lived next to the divine boy since he was three and a half years old. Watching his childhood, I witnessed many amazing events that needed to be carefully and accurately captured for future generations.

I started writing down my memories with inspiration. The first manuscript was an article, which was subsequently expanded and finalized by me into a book. After three days of hard work, the article was almost ready. Suddenly, the computer crashed, which strangely lasted only five minutes, after which the computer started working normally again.

I checked the contents of the computer's memory and realized that all the materials were saved, except for the article dedicated to Prema Sai Baba. I was frustrated but started working again.

The second time, I worked on the article for several days and again there was a problem with the computer. All materials were in order, except for this manuscript, which disappeared a second time. I realized that either God did not want me to write these memoirs, or I wrote something wrong.

The next day, in a mystical dream, I saw Sathya Sai Baba, who explained to me the essence of my mistake. In the first version of the manuscript, I called the divine boy Pritam, after the name given to him at birth by his parents.

In the dream I was able to realize that I should only use the name Prema Sai Baba and never use the name given to him at birth. After that, I was able to successfully complete the manuscript, which was first published as an article, and then expanded into a book.

The name reflects the essence of a person. The way we call it indicates our understanding of its essence. We should call him Prema Sai Baba because he is Prema Sai Baba, and it doesn't matter what name the boy was given at birth.

When he was three and four years old, I saw him as half child, half God. For me, he was a boy with great energy and spiritual potential. When he was five years old, I suddenly stopped seeing him as a child and a human being.

At some point I realized pure Absolute Divinity played the role of a naughty and cheerful boy. He blessed us to understand that he is Prema Sai Baba. He came to this world to give enlightenment to all mankind, to unite all people and to bless one and all.

This book is my research on Prema Sai Baba, the third Sai Avatar. My mystical connection with him is not accidental. I was fortunate enough to be Sathya Sai Baba's interpreter for several years. I first came to Puttaparthi in 1993, then I came to the ashram regularly and lived there for several months a year. I used to visit the ashram regularly until Sathya Sai Baba left his body in 2011.

I served as an interpreter during personal meetings of Sathya Sai Baba with Russian-speaking devotees from different countries. Many times, I had the honor to communicate with Sathya Sai Baba in person.

During audiences and personal meetings, he spoke in English, which I translated into Russian. It was a unique experience where I witnessed numerous miracles, as well as spiritual instructions that Sathya Sai Baba gave to his devotees and visitors.

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