Cam laughed. “Now, that would defeat the purpose of being a spy,
wouldnt it?
“A spy, Valerie said wryly. “Operative sounds so much
“Lets assume Matheson and Henry are working togetherits the most
probable scenario. So, if we find one, we find the other.
“Any progress on your
Cam scowled. “Were accumulating a file on Mathesons associates as far
back as twenty-five years. Its slow going, but Il want you to look
through everything Felicia and Savard have put together so far.
Unfortunately, some of the
photographs are going to be of boys or much younger men than theyre
likely to be now.
“Perhaps Felicia can use age simulator software to project present
appearances for any possibles.
“We might be able to do something even bet er, Cam said slowly as she
stood. “Its almost midnight. Id like you to brief with us in the morning.
0600 in the guest house.
“Are you sure? Savard and Felicia might not be quite as trusting as
you are, Valerie pointed out.
“I disagree, but either way, its not their
Valerie rose. “Youre taking a chance, Cameron, and I know that. I want
you to know I appreciate
“Dont insult me, Valerie. Cam lightly touched her fingertips to Valeries
cheek. “Get some sleep. Then she dropped her hand and walked away.
Valerie waited until she heard Cams footsteps disappear before fol owing
down the hal way and up the stairs. As she passed the room that she
knew was Blairs, she recognized Blairs sensuous alto and then Cams
slightly deeper tones. The sound of Cams voice in a phone message
had once stirred her heart and her blood. Now, it fil ed her with a
sense of comfort and safety. Wondering if that was fair, but being glad
for it nonetheless, she continued to the last door on the right and
knocked quietly before let ing herself in.
The room was lit by a bedside lamp. Diane was in bed, a sheet pul ed
to her waist. Her breasts formed soft curves beneath a pale peach
camisole. Valerie sat on the side of the bed and took her hand. “Theres
part of me that thinks I shouldnt be here.
“What does the other part
“That its the only place in the world I want
to be.
Diane drew back the covers. “Thats the part Id listen to, if I
were you.
“Al right, Valerie whispered
She stood and unbut oned her blouse, unhooked her bra, and let them fal
to the floor behind her. She unzipped her jeans, pushed them down
along with her panties, and stepped out of them. Watching Diane watch
her, she was surprised to feel her body quicken when for so long the
only sensations shed been aware of were fatigue and desperate sadness.
She turned of the light and slipped into bed. Then she did something
shed never done before. She pul ed Diane on top of her and guided
Dianes hand between her thighs.
“Please make love to me. I need
you. Chapter Twenty-
Two Monday
A ny response from Lawrence on your request for a meeting?
Matheson inquired via his disposable cel phone.
Matheson sipped his cof ee and watched the traf ic on Main Street
through the diner window in the smal seaside town. A waitress slid a
plate of scrambled eggs and toast in front of him. He made eye contact
when he thanked her.
“Youre very welcome. The brunet e of ered him a sultry smile as she
lingered by the red leather booth made shiny by years of bodies slipping
in and out.
He held her gaze for a few seconds, noting the invitation in her
eyes while surveying her ful breasts and curvaceous hips. His penis
lengthened, reminding him that it had been some time since hed
satisfied his needs. He made a mental note to take care of that, then
looked away, dismissing her from his thoughts. “Why do you think
your operative is ignoring your direct order?
“Because shes one of our best, the man snapped. Then, as if
regret ing his outburst, he added in a conciliatory tone, “The leak came
too soon after her report to me for her not to be suspicious, but I didnt
have a choice. If Special Forces hadnt moved on the compound so
quickly, I might have been able to find another way to warn you, but
Robertss team was far more ef ective than we anticipated. I didnt have
time for a cover story, and I didnt think youd enjoy captivity.
“Its never wise to underestimate the enemy, Matheson said mildly,
spearing a fluf y mound of egg. “Its unfortunate that eliminating her wil
cost us an inside link to several of our primary targets, but the longer
she stays alive, the greater the likelihood youl be compromised.
“Ive warned her shes in danger, but she wont agree to a
meet. “Youre not using the right enticement. “What do you
Matheson told him, disconnected, and punched in another number.
“He has forty-eight hours to take care of his mess, then well
clean house ourselves, starting with him.
“Yes sir. Its a pleasure to serve you,
* * * * *
“Valerie? Diane called urgently in the dark. The bed beside
her was warm, but empty. The nightmare of the past few
weeks instantly closed in around her, and she felt as if
she were
smothering. Bolting upright, she gasped, “Oh
“Im here. Valerie hurried to the side of the bed and pul ed
Diane into her arms. “I found some clothes Id left here last
month, and I was trying not to wake you while I dressed.
“A briefing with Cameron.
Diane held her tightly, running her hands over Valeries back.
She wore only a snug tank top and panties. “Youre cold. Go
finish dressing.
Valerie pulled the covers back and slid underneath. “I
frightened you. Im sorry.
Diane shook her head. “Just for a second. I wish you didnt have
to go.
“Ill be back. Valerie stretched out above Diane and kissed
her throat. “I wouldnt leave now except I might be able to help.
“You wont do anything foolish, will you?
Valerie laughed softly. “There are times I think my whole
life might have been foolish.
“No, Diane said with certainty. She feathered her fingers
through the short hair at the base of Valeries neck. “Youre
the most remarkable woman Ive ever met.
“Diane, Valerie murmured, kissing her deeply. When
Diane tightened her hold and strained beneath her, wrapping
both legs
around the back of Valeries thighs, Valerie immersed herself in
the heat pouring off Dianes body. Dianes passion was like
nothing shed ever felt. The fire burned effortlessly, searing into
those dark, barren places where shed learned to hide her feelings,
not realizing that eventual y that which was buried, died.
Desperate not to lose the connection, Valerie tightened her grip
on Dianes upper arms, digging her fingers into the firm,
pliable flesh. When Diane moaned, she instantly pul ed away.
“Im sorry. I didnt mean
“No. More. Diane dragged Valeries head back down, her fingers
twisting through Valeries hair. She pressed her mouth to Valeries ear.
“You cant hurt me. Not by touching me. Im dying to have you inside
Valerie sobbed out a cry of need and wonder. She pushed herself down
until her face was pressed to Dianes stomach, then she cupped Dianes
breast with one hand and fil ed her with the other. She squeezed and rol
ed Dianes nipple as she pushed into her, higher and deeper, thrust after
“God, Diane gasped, arching frantical y to meet each stroke. “I dont
want to come but youre going to make me.
“Yes, Valerie whispered urgently. She kissed her way lower, gliding her
tongue over soft skin and trembling muscles and into the fragrant heat.
She hummed as her lips found Dianes clitoris and she licked lightly.
“Oh no, Diane pleaded. “Dont make me come so soon.
“I want you, Valerie whispered, before sucking her even more firmly.
Diane gripped the sheets and pushed down hard around Valeries fingers
as her clitoris swel ed to fil Valeries mouth. “So good, so wonderful, so
oh, oh Im
Valerie watched Dianes face reflect the pleasure that rippled around her
fingers and pulsed between her lips, and thought shed never seen anyone
as beautiful.
She didnt stop caressing her, inside and out, until Diane murmured a
weak protest and twisted away.
“Love, Diane whispered. “I wont be able to walk today if you
dont stop.
Tenderly, Valerie placed a delicate kiss at the apex of Dianes
sex, then rested her cheek in the hol ow adjacent to her
hipbone. She continued to fondle her breast, smiling as Dianes
mouth curved in obvious enjoyment. “Thats what you say , but
thats not what your body is tel ing me.
“My body is greedy. Diane gazed down through heavy
lidded eyes. “Insatiable, in fact, for you.
“Real y? Valerie kissed low on Dianes bel y, then nuzzled her
face a little lower. “I can handle that.
“Oh, I know you can. Take your clothes off and come up
here first, Diane murmured. “I want you, too.
Valerie shed her tank and panties and slid into Dianes
embrace, easing her swollen center against Dianes leg. She
kissed her lingeringly, slowly rocking against her. “I only have a
“Can you come this way?
“I think so, if you help
me. “Anything.
“Play with my breasts, Valerie said thickly, already sliding
faster up and down Dianes thigh.
“Youre so wet. So beautiful. Diane pulled on Valeries
“Does it feel good, darling? Rubbing against me like that?
Getting me all wet? Will you come for me?
“Oh, yes. Im almostalmost, Valerie gasped. “Kiss me. Kiss
meoh god, Im so close.
“Soon, Diane breathed, capturing Valeries mouth and
squeezing her breasts rhythmical y. As Valeries motions grew
more frantic, Diane plunged her tongue deeper, matching
Valeries frenzied thrusts. Sensing Valerie struggling to orgasm,
Diane drove her hips up and forced her leg more tightly
against Valeries clitoris. “Harder, darling. Press yourself har
“Im going to come. Valeries head fell back, her eyes wide
and fixed on Dianes. “God, I love you.
“I love you, Diane cried.
Shuddering, Valerie spilled onto Dianes welcoming body
and col apsed into her arms.
* * * * *
With several minutes to spare before the briefing, Valerie
knocked on the door to the guesthouse. Savard answered.
“Hey, Savard said, holding the door wide. “You missed a
good show at Mathesons compound a couple of weeks ago.
“So I hear. Valerie stepped inside but hesitated before going
any further. “Im sorry I didnt make it.
“Yeah, me too. Savard glanced toward the adjoining room
Cam and Felicia waited. “It could have been any of us in
your spot. Im glad it wasnt me.
“I appreciate that. Valerie grasped Savards arm. “Listen. Cam
told me about what happened in Boston. I owe you for taking
care of Diane.
“No you dont, Savard said dismissively. “But if you real y feel
like you do, you can plan on sticking around here where your
friends are for a while.
“Thank you, Valerie softly. “Ill do
“Good. Savard turned and started toward the command center. “Then
lets go to work.
“Good morning, Cam said as Valerie came in. Felicia nodded to her.
“Our priority for the day, and every day until its accomplished, is to
identify your handler. Wel work from the assumption that hes an
associate of Mathesons, because otherwise we dont even have a
starting place.
“I want you to scan the files Davis has compiled of known
Matheson associates, including the academy students. We might get
Valerie smiled rueful y. “We could use some
“Before we get to that, Cam said, “I want Stark to join us so she can hear
how you got behind our lines. She opened her phone and pushed
several buttons. “Chief, can you come down for a minute? Thanks.
While they waited, Valerie and Felicia got cof ee and opened several
boxes of doughnuts that Tanners day crew had delivered.
“Its good to have the team back together, Felicia
“It is. Valerie opened the refrigerator for milk. “Hows
“Hes back on the team, too. Hes up at the main house seconding for
Stark. Im sure youl see him later. Felicia smiled and stirred her cof
ee. “Hesmaking a remarkable recovery.
Valerie studied her with interest.
“Real y. Felicia met her gaze.
“Wel , good for
“Yes, it is. She sipped her cof ee. “Ah,
“Luckily, shes forgiven
Felicia shook her head. “I dont believe she ever thought there was
anything to forgive.
“I hope youre
At the sound of the front door closing sharply, Felicia said, “Time for
round two. Starks not going to be happy.
“I dont blame her. Valerie fol owed Felicia back into the other room and
sat at the table next to Cam. Stark sat stif ly across from her.
“Good morning, Chief, Valerie said
formal y.
“Valerie wil do, Valerie said
Stark seemed to relax by degrees. “Sorry. That was quite a stunt you pul
ed last night. We could have kil ed you.
“I wanted to talk to
Cameron. “Did you ever
hear of a phone? “I dont like
“How about a car? You could have driven right up to the foot of this
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