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blackberry liqueur, yet I did not like that over-sweetened cloying swill.

After two years of studying at the pedagogical institute, Irina obviously re-evaluated the standpoints and priorities entertained by her during the night which we spend together when being first-year students. However, I couldn't respond to her advances in a natural way. Not because of being a vengeful jackass, "aha! you didn't give it then, so go without now!" No, it's not like me. The reason was my dutiful submissiveness to the received instructions. When said "no", I retreat obediently, but in order for me to get at it again, there should be an explicit invitation "come on, let’s do it". She pinned her hopes on the liqueur alone which was not straightforward enough…

And I also couldn't concentrate on the other trainee, one more Irina, but already from Nezhyn, the daughter of Pro-Rector Budowski. Firstly, I disliked both his bald head and his moral character in general, and secondly, she was an unmistakable virgin.

Consequently, the champion laurels in the contest, quite predictably and inevitably, went to the blonde sports trainer, again Irina, from the adjacent "The Young Chemist" camp. At first, we had dates on the riverbank in the company of her "Spidola" receiver, but in my gym, it was much warmer…

Once I entertained a group of visitors comprising Slavic, Twoic, and Petyunya for playing Preferans, and Sveta for everything else.

After the game, the boys started racing around the gym after the hedgehog brought to me by pioneer kids earlier on that day. I asked them to stop molesting the poor creature, and they switched over to voyeuristic eavesdropping to the erotic arias sounding from the partition to the radio-unit room, where Irina from Bakhmuch entertained a guest who visited her on the same day, also a Bakhmuch guy.

Then I gave the boys a bundle of camp cloth blankets to soften their sleep on the bare floorboards and turned off the light. Sveta, who had the legitimate right to a part of my bed, performed from that elevation before the 3, frozen in awe and admiration, music lovers on the floor, a concert for a flute without an orchestra…

Another time I went to Nezhyn, sort of a day off, but there I behaved like a disgusting swine. I swallowed too much of pills, and dining in the canteen room at the station I almost dozed off over the bowl of borshch, as if it was a kinda pillow. Naturally, Eera got outraged and left. Slavic, who was also going to Chernigov, had to drag me, like a vegetable, into the diesel train. Because the branch line to Chernigov was not electrified… Traveling by the diesel train, I slept off but still remained bored utterly because everything was so dull…

I felt like that for the most time of that practice. So dull and unnecessary was my lie to a mujik in the fields, who asked which camp I belonged to. Why did I say I was from "The Chemist"?

And it was dull when a pack of youngsters from Chernigov came to the Pine forest by the daddy's Volga of some of them. They kicked up thief-swaggering and one of them pulled out a big handsome dagger, I looked around for a stick, although he obviously wanted to get relieved of the weapon. A split-second of delay, the moment was lost and the trophy went to the chauffeur of the camp. Well done, mujik!

And because of being bored and off-hand, when diving in the river from the bluff I, like, dislocated something in my back and a couple of days was turning to the sides with my whole body.

Taking a swim at night was dull as well, even after some car drove on the bank flashing the headlights at the girls, who had already changed their mind to enter the river, and I had to get out of the water in the altogether, just as I had come to this world, armed only with a distorted expression of the unshaven face. It’s hard to say what aboriginal mask my mug looked like at that moment, but they switched off the headlights. The next day Irina from Bakhmuch was making sport of my cock size not living up visually to her expectations. It did not hurt my feelings though because everything was so dull and boring…

"A vain present, a chance present,Why are you given to me, Life?."

Yet, when on Poseidon Day the pioneers of both camps united in catching and dragging me along to drop into a pond by the river, it was not boring, it was right. At first, I felt offended and wet, but then like laughing. Well done, kids! Serves good the bastard!.

The last night at the camp, Irina the trainer and I once again sat on the river bank. There were so many stars that you could hardly see the sky behind them, and I had blues that everything was somehow flowing away and getting lost. She, for some reason, did not want to have a sex, and we just sat leaning our backs against each other. The stars were glittering both from below—reflected in the silent flow of the Snov—and also from above. They crowded everywhere and would always be and still it was impossible to keep them. Everything flows away…

Probably, I had blues because of the "Spidola" was babbling a sermon in English. I did not understand at all what all that was about, because it was not the English Department Language Laboratory texts about the family of Parkers, but you could guess that it was a sermon.

Then I escorted Irina to "The Young Chemist". She went in and locked the gate, but I called her again. We climbed the grating of the gate from both sides and had the final kiss, a camp kiss atop of the grates. Forgive me and goodbye, my loss…

~ ~ ~

I knew the city of Pryluky for a long time, yet in absentia. The cigarette packs of Prima acquainted me with the

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Книги, аналогичгные The Rascally Romance (in a single helluva-long letter about a flicking-short life) - Сергей Николаевич Огольцов

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