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Ministry of Culture and Sports and the Benaki Museum.

Evans, H. C. and Ratliff, B. (eds) (2012) Byzantium and Islam: Age of Transition, exhibition catalogue. New Haven and London: Yale University Press.

Hartley, E., Hawkes, J., Henig, M. and Mee, F. (eds) (2006) Constantine the Great: York’s Roman Emperor, exhibition catalogue. York and Aldershot: York Museums and Gallery Trust, with Lund Humphries.

Makariou, S. (ed.) (2012) Islamic Art at the Musée du Louvre, exhibition catalogue. Paris: Hazan.

Moysidou, J. (ed.) (2010) Byzantine Museum: The Permanent Exhibition, exhibition catalogue. Athens: Byzantine and Christian Museum, Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

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Institut du Monde Arabe (2012) Les Mille et Une Nuits, exhibition catalogue, ed. E. Bouffard and A.-A. Joyard. Paris: Hazan.

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Baker, E. M. and Finkel, A. (n.d.) A History of the Sultanahmet Prison, catalogue. Istanbul: The Four Seasons Hotel.

Ballain, A. (ed.) (2011) Relics of the Past: Treasures of the Greek Orthodox Church and the Population Exchange: The Benaki Museum Collections, exhibition catalogue. Milan: 5 Continent Editions.

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Kourkoutidou-Nikolaïdou, E. and Nalpandis, D. (2000) Museum of Byzantine Culture, Thessaloniki, gallery guide, trans. D. Hardy. Athens: Hellenic Ministry of Culture.

Paissidou, M. (n.d.) Ephoreia of Byzantine Antiquities of Thessaloniki: Byzantine Churches of Thessaloniki, gallery guide, trans. D. Whitehouse and J. Lillie. Athens: Hellenic Ministry of Culture.

Paissidou, M. (n.d.) Monuments of the Ottoman Period of Thessaloniki, gallery guide, trans. D. Whitehouse and J. Lillie. Athens: Hellenic Ministry of Culture.

Ballain, A. (ed.) (2006) Benaki Museum: A Guide to the Museum of Islamic Art, trans. J. Avgherinos. Athens: Benaki Museum.

Delivorrias, A. (2000) A Guide to the Benaki Museum, trans. A. Doumas. Athens: Benaki Museum.

Konstantios, D. (gen. ed.) (2010) Byzantine and Christian Museum: Byzantine Collections: The Permanent Exhibition, exhibition guide. Athens: Hellenic Ministry of Culture.

The Piri Reis World Map of 1513 (14 June 2013, University of Greenwich), conference brochure.

York Minster: A Short Guide (2012). York: York Minster and Jigsaw Design and Publishing.

Walking with the Romans: Daily Life in Eboracum: A Walking Trail (2012). York: York Museums Trust, History Works.

Experiencing the Great War: York in World War One: A Walking Trail (2012). York: York Museum Trust, History Works.

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newspapers, magazine articles and websites

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Jégo, M. ‘Sainte-Sophie menacée’, Le Monde 22.08.2015.

Judah, T. Numerous reports for The Times 1992–3.

Kelly, C. ‘Barbarians at the gate’, Omnibus 63: 30–2. http://www.theclassicslibrary.com/JACT/O63%20Kelly.pdf

Kelly, C. ‘Constantine: Britain’s Roman Emperor’, History Today 56.7, July 2006.

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McCall, C. ‘The Great Palace of Constantinople: Discovering the Mosaic Magic of Early Byzantine Rulers’, Current World Archaeology 67, October 2014.

Pascal, J.

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