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purchase [´pq:tSIs], throughout [TrH´aut], observe [qb'zq:v]

He remained with us for about a year and then went to New York, where he purchased a little place on the Hudson, where I visited him once a year on the occasions of my trips to the New York market — my father and I owning and operating a string of general stores throughout Virginia at that time. Captain Carter had a small but beautiful cottage, situated on a bluff overlooking the river, and during one of my last visits, in the winter of 1885, I observed he was much occupied in writing, I presume now, upon this manuscript.

He told me at this time (он сказал мне в это время) that if anything should happen to him (что если с ним что-нибудь случится) he wished me to take charge of his estate (он хотел бы, чтобы я взял на себя заботу о его имуществе; charge— нагрузка; обязанности; estate— поместье; имущество), and he gave me a key to a compartment in the safe (и он дал мне ключ от отделения в сейфе) which stood in his study (который стоял у него в кабинете), telling me I would find his will there and some personal instructions (сказав мне, что я найду там его завещание и некоторые личные указания) which he had me pledge myself to carry out with absolute fidelity (которые он обязал меня: «заставил взять на себя обязательство» выполнить с абсолютной точностью; topledge— давать торжественноеобещание; tocarryout— выполнять; fidelity— верность; точность).

compartment [kqm´pRtmqnt], pledge [pledZ], fidelity [fI'delItI]

He told me at this time that if anything should happen to him he wished me to take charge of his estate, and he gave me a key to a compartment in the safe which stood in his study, telling me I would find his will there and some personal instructions which he had me pledge myself to carry out with absolute fidelity.

After I had retired for the night (после того, как я отправился спать: «удалился на ночь»; to retire for the nightотправлятьсяспать) I have seen him from my window (я видел его из своего окна) standing in the moonlight on the brink of the bluff overlooking the Hudson (стоящим в лунном свете на краю обрыва, выходящего на Гудзон; brink — край) with his arms stretched out to the heavens as though in appeal (с руками, протянутыми к небесам, как будто в мольбе; appeal — воззвание; мольба). I thought at the time that he was praying (в то время я думал, что он молился), although I never understood that he was in the strict sense of the term a religious man (хотя я никогда не считал, что он был в строгом смысле слова религиозным человеком; to understand — понимать; предполагать; strict — точный; in the strict sense — встрогомсмысле).

retire [rI´taIq], praying [´preIIN], strict [strIkt]

After I had retired for the night I have seen him from my window standing in the moonlight on the brink of the bluff overlooking the Hudson with his arms stretched out to the heavens as though in appeal. I thought at the time that he was praying, although I never understood that he was in the strict sense of the term a religious man.

Several months after I had returned home from my last visit (через несколько месяцев после того, как я вернулся домой после моего последнего визита) the first of March, 1886), I think (первого марта 1886 года, я полагаю), I received a telegram from him (я получил от него телеграмму) asking me to come to him at once (с просьбой = «просящую меня» приехать к нему немедленно; atonce— сразу, немедленно). I had always been his favorite among the younger generation of Carters (я всегда был его любимцем среди младшего поколения Картеров; favorite— любимец, фаворит) and so I hastened to comply with his demand (и поэтому я поспешил исполнить его требование; tocomply — делатьуступки, идтинауступки; tocomplywithsmth. — выполнять, осуществлять, исполнятьчто-л. /просьбу, приказаниеит. д./).

receive [rI´sJv], hasten [heIsn], comply [kqm'plaI]

Several months after I had returned home from my last visit, the first of March, 1886, I think, I received a telegram from him asking me to come to him at once. I had always been his favorite among the younger generation of Carters and so I hastened to comply with his demand.

I arrived at the little station, about a mile from his grounds (я прибыл на маленькую станцию, /находящуюся/ примерно в миле от его поместья; ground— земля; grounds— участокземли), on the morning of March 4, 1886 (утром 4 марта 1886 /года/), and when I asked the livery man to drive me out to Captain Carter's (и когда я попросил лакея отвезти меня к капитану Картеру; livery— ливрея; liveryman— лакей) he replied that if I was a friend of the Captain's (он ответил, что если я был другом капитана) he had some very bad news for me (/то/ у него были для меня некие очень плохие известия); the Captain had been found dead shortly after daylight that very morning (капитан был обнаружен мертвым вскоре после рассвета этим самым утром; daylight— дневнойсвет; рассвет) by the watchman attached to an adjoining property (сторожем соседнего имения: «сторожем, прикрепленным к соседнему имению»; toattach— прикреплять; attached— прикрепленный).

For some reason this news did not surprise me (по какой-то причине это известие не удивило меня), but I hurried out to his place as quickly as possible (однако я поспешил к его поместью так быстро, как это было возможно; place— место; имение, загородныйдом), so that I could take charge of the body and of his affairs (так, чтобы я мог взять /на себя/ заботу о его теле и о его делах; charge— нагрузка; забота).

arrive [q´raIv], adjoining [q´GOInIN], quickly [´kwIklI]

I arrived at the little station, about a mile from his grounds, on the morning of March 4, 1886, and when I asked the livery man to drive me out to Captain Carter's he replied that if I was a friend of the Captain's he had some very bad news for me; the Captain had been found dead shortly after daylight that very morning by the watchman attached to an adjoining property.

For some reason this news did not surprise me, but I hurried out to his place as quickly as possible, so that I could take charge of the body and of his affairs.

I found the watchman who had discovered him (я нашел сторожа, который обнаружил его), together with the local police chief and several townspeople (вместе с местным шефом полиции и несколькими горожанами), assembled in his little study (собравшимися в его маленьком кабинете). The watchman related the few details connected with the finding of the body (сторож сообщил немногие детали, связанные с обнаружением тела; torelate— рассказывать), which he said had been still warm when he came upon it (которое /как/ он сказал, было еще теплым, когда он наткнулся на него; tocomeupon— натыкаться, наталкиваться). It lay, he said, stretched full length in the snow (оно лежало, сказал он, вытянутое на полную длину в снегу; tostretch— вытягивать, растягивать) with the arms outstretched above the head toward the edge of the bluff (с руками, вытянутыми над головой по направлению к краю обрыва), and when he showed me the spot it flashed upon me (и когда он показал мне это место, меня вдруг осенило; toflash— вспыхивать; itflasheduponme— менявдругосенило, пришловголову) that it was the identical one where I had seen him on those other nights (что это было то самое /место/, где я видел его в те другие ночи; identical— тотжесамый; идентичный), with his arms raised in supplication to the skies (с руками, поднятыми с мольбой к небесам; supplication— мольба, просьба).

assemble [q'sembl], identical [aI'dentIkl], supplication ["sAplI´keISn]

I found the watchman who had discovered him, together with the local police chief and several townspeople, assembled in his little study. The watchman related the few details connected with the finding of the body, which he said had been still warm when he came upon it. It lay, he said, stretched full length in the snow with the arms outstretched above the head toward the edge of the bluff, and when he showed me the spot it flashed upon me that it was the identical one where I had seen him on those other nights, with his arms raised in supplication to the skies.

There were no marks of violence on the body (на его теле не было следов насилия; violence— сила; насилие), and with the aid of a local physician (и с помощью местного врача) the coroner's jury quickly reached a decision (суд присяжных при коронере быстро вынес решение; toreach— протягивать; достигать; toreachadecision— принятьрешение; coroner — коронер, следовательпоубийствам) of death from heart failure (о смерти от разрыва сердца; failure— неудача; отказвработе, остановка). Left alone in the study (оставшись один в кабинете: «оставленный один»), I opened the safe and withdrew the contents of the drawer (я открыл сейф и извлек содержимое того ящика; towithdraw— отнимать; извлекать) in which he had told me I would find my instructions (в котором, /как/ он сказал мне, я найду свои инструкции). They were in part peculiar indeed (частью они были действительно странные; peculiar— специфический; странный, необычный), but I have followed them to each last detail (но я выполнил их до каждой последней детали; tofollow— следовать; придерживаться, соблюдать) as faithfully as I was able (настолько точно, насколько я мог; faith— вера; faithfully— верно, точно).

failure ['feIljq], peculiar [pI'kju:ljq], faithfully ['feITfulI]

There were no marks of violence on the body, and with the aid of a local physician the coroner's jury quickly reached a decision of death from heart failure. Left alone in the study, I opened the safe and withdrew the contents of the drawer in which he had told me I would find my instructions. They were in part peculiar indeed, but I have followed them to each last detail as faithfully as I was able.

He directed that I remove his body to Virginia without embalming (он распорядился, чтобы я перевез его тело в Виргинию без бальзамирования; to direct — направлять; даватьуказания; to remove — передвигать, перемещать), and that he be laid in an open coffin (и чтобы его положили в открытом гробу; coffin — гроб) within a tomb which he previously had had constructed (внутри гробницы, которую он заранее приказал соорудить;previously — предварительно, заранее) and which, as I later learned, was well ventilated (и которая, как я узнал позже, была хорошо вентилируемой). The instructions impressed upon me (инструкции обязывали меня: to impress — производитьвпечатление; to impress upon — внушать) that I must personally see (что я должен лично проследить: to see — видеть; to see about — позаботься, проследить) that this was carried out just as he directed (чтобы это было выполнено точно так, как он распорядился), even in secrecy if necessary (даже втайне, если необходимо).

embalming [Im'bRmIN], previously ['prJvjqslI], necessary ['nesIsqrI]

He directed that I remove his body to Virginia without embalming, and that he be laid in an open coffin within a tomb which he previously had had constructed and which, as I later learned, was well ventilated. The instructions impressed upon me that I must personally see that this was carried out just as he directed, even in secrecy if necessary.

His property was left in such a way (его собственность была оставлена в таком состоянии; way — дорога; метод; положение) that I was to receive the entire income for twenty-five years что я должен был получать полный доход в течение двадцати пяти лет; entire — полный, весь), when the principal was to become mine (после чего основной /капитал/ должен был стать моим; when — когда; послечего; principal — главный, основной). His further instructions related to this manuscript (его дальнейшие инструкции относились к этому манускрипту) which I was to retain sealed and unread (который я должен был оставить запечатанным и непрочитанным; to seal — ставитьпечать; sealed — запечатанный), just as I found it, for eleven years (точно таким, как я нашел его, в течение одиннадцати лет); nor was I to divulge its contents until twenty-one years after his death (также я не мог разглашать его содержание, пока /не пройдет/ двадцать один год после его смерти; to divulge — разглашать, обнародовать).

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Книги, аналогичгные Английский язык с Э. Р. Берроузом. Принцесса Марса - Edgar Burroughs

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