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1 ... 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 ... 159

Подробнее см.: Акимов Ю.Г. Очерки… С. 134.


Charlevoix P. F. X., de. Op. cit. Т. II. Р. б.


См.: Palfrey J. G. Op. cit. Vol. II. P. 305.


См.: Records, &c of Commissioners of the United Colonies // Historical Collections… // Ed. by E. Hazard. Vol. II. P. 181-182.


Подробнее см.: Акимов Ю.Г. Очерки… С. 106-108, 113-115, 151-152.


Trudel M. Histoire de la Nouvelle France. Т. III, Pt 1. P. 205.


Об этом письме упоминается в ответном послании квебекского совета к администрации Новой Англии. См.: Lettre du Conseil de Quebec aux commissaires de la Nouvelle Angleterre. Quebec, le 20 juin 1651 // Collection de manuscrits contenant lettres, memoires et autres documents historiques relatifs a l'histoire de la Nouvelle-France, recueillis aux Archives de la Province de Quebec ou copies a l'etranger: 4 t. T. I. Quebec, 1883. P. 127.


Narre du voyage faict pour la mission des Abnaquiois et des connaissances tires do la Nouvelle Angleterre et des dispositions des magistrats de cette Republique pour le secours contre les Iroquois le tout par moi Gabriel Druillette de la Compagnie de Jesus // Recueil de pieces sur la Negociation entre la Nouvelle France et la Nouvelle Angleterre es anneees 1648 et suivantes / Ed. par J. G. Shea. New York, 1866. P. 10.


Ibid. P. 14.


Ibid. P. 14, 21.


Ibid. P. 14.


Ibid. P. 17.


Ibid. P. 16.


Reflexions touchant ce qu'on peut espeerer de la Nouvelle Angleterre contre l'Iroquois // Recueil de pieces… P. 26-30.


Extrait des registres de l'Ancien Conseil de la Nouvelle France, du vintieme jour de Juin 1651 // Ibid. P. 57-58.


Lettre du Conseil de Quebec au Commissaires de la Nouvelle Angleterre. (Quebec, le 20 juin 1651) // Collection de manuscrits. T. I. P. 127-128.


Trudel M. Histoire de la Nouvelle France. Т. III, Pt 1. P. 206.


Records, Szc of Commissioners of the United Colonies // Historical Collections… /Ed. by E. Hazard. Vol. II. P. 182-185.


См.: European Treaties… Vol. 2. P. 4-6.


The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents. Vol. XXXVI. P. 79-81.


См.: Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York: In 15 vols / Ed. by E. B. O'Callaghan and B. Fernow. Vol. IX. Albany, 1853-1887. P. 7.


См.: Поршнев Б.Ф. Франция, Английская революция и европейская политика в середине XVII века. М., 1970. С. 146-149, 158-163.


Сарр В. Cromwell's Navy: The Fleet and the English Revolution, 1648-1660.Oxford, 1989. P. 92.


Цит. по: Фирсова Н.С. Политика Англии по отношению к ее американским колониям в 1640-60-е гг. // Учен. Зап. Моск. Обл. пед. Ин-та им. Н.К. Крупской. Т. 121, Вып. 5. М., 1965. С. 112.


См.: Denys N. Description geographique et historique des costes de l'Amerique septentrionale. Avec histoire naturel du pais: 2 t. Paris, 1672. T. I. P. 10-11.


Условия капитуляции Пор-Руайяля см.: Capitulation de Port-Royal, du 16 aout 1654 // Memoires des Commissaires de Sa Majeste Tres-Chretienne et de ceux de Sa Majeste Britannique sur les possessions et les droits respectifs des deux Couronnes en Amerique: 3 t. Amsterdam, 1755. T. II. P. 507-511.


Сарр В. Op. cit. P. 92.


European Treaties… Vol. II. P. 45-47.


Traduction informe de la concession faite par Cromwell aux sieurs Charles de Saint-Etienne, qualifye Baron d'Ecosse, Crowne &: Temple, du 9 aout 1656 // Memoires des Commissaires. T. II. P. 511-516.


Ordre de Cromwell au Capitalne Leverett de remettre au Colonel Temple les forts de la Nouvelle Ecosse, du 18 septembre 1656 // Ibid. T. II. P. 290-291.


См.: Lettres patentes du Roy <…> au Sr Emmanuel Le Borgne. A Paris, le 20 Novembre 1657 // Collection de manuscrits… T. I. P. 151.


Articles against Mons Laborn, on behalf Colonel Temple, Lieutenent General of Now Scotland. Nov. 1658 // Calendar of State Papers. Colonial Series. Vol. I. P. 469, 474.


Denys N. Op. cit. Т. I. P. 11.


Le Roi a son ambassadeur en Angleterre. A Paris, le 30 Janvier 1658 // Collection de manuscrits. T. I. P. 152.


Le Roi a son ambassadeur en Angleterre. A Paris, le 7 octobre 1658 // Ibid. T. I. P. 153-154.


Representation by the French Ambassador of the Complaint of the Company of New France in America. London. Nov. 1658 // Calendar of State Papers. Colonial Series. Vol. I. P. 469-470.


Col. Thos. Temple to [Lord Fienes and Company]. Boston [New England]. Dec. 27, 1658 // Ibid. P. 471.


Minutes of Articles Proposed by Capt. Breedon on the Part of Col. Thos. Temple, Lieut. Gen. of Nova Scotia to Lord Fienes and Others. 1659 // Ibid. P. 473-474.


Эйри О. Реставрация Стюартов и Людовик XIV от Вестфальского до Нимвегенского мира. СПб., 1896. С. 85.


Там же. С. 86; см. также: Грин Дж. Р. История английского народа: В 4 т. Т. III. M., 1892. С. 297.


Эйри О. Указ. соч. С. 97.


См.: Борисов Ю.В. Дипломатия Людовика XIV. М., 1990. С. 148.


См.: Memoire de Du Bois d'Avogour au Ministre, le 4 aout 1663 // Bulletin des recherches historiques. 1930. Vol. 36. P. 12-23.


Talon a Colbert, lе 13 novembre 1666 // Rapport de l'archiviste de la Province de Quebec. 1930/1931. P. 55.


Toynbee A.J. A Study of History. Abridgement of Volumes I-VI by D. C. Sommerwell. New York; London, 1947. P. 97.


См., напр.: Petition of Thomas Elliott, one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber, to the King. [July 17] 1660 // Calendar of State Papers. Colonial Series. Vol. I: 1574-1660. London, 1860. P. 484; Petition of Sir Lewis Kirke, John Kirke, and Francis Berkeley, to the Committee for Fbreign Plantations. [July 19] 1660 // Ibid. P. 484; Petition of Colonel John Blount, and Ladies Mary and Jane Alexander, Daughters of the Late Earl of Stirling, Consering Nova Scotia. 1660 // Ibid. P. 493.


См.: Grant of the Office of Governor of the Countries and Territories Called l'Acadie, and Part of the Country Called Nova Scotia, to Mark Harrison. Aug 6, 1661 // Calendar of State Papers. Colonial Series. Vol. V: America and West Indies, 1661-1668. London, 1880. P. 51. No 151; Grant to Thos. Breedon of London, Mercant, During Life of the Office of Governor of l'Acadie and Part of Nova Scotia. Sept. 23, 1661 // Ibid. P. 57. No 174.


Warrant to Col. Thos. Temple. Dec. 9, 1661 // Ibid. P. 62. No 193.


Claim by the French Ambassador in Council for the Restitution of Acadia. Feb. 7, 1662. Whitehall // Ibid. P. 73. No 225.


Answer to the Ambassador of France, or Rather Mons. LeBourne, His Claim to Acadia and Nova Scotia. Feb. 7, 1662. Whitehall // Ibid. P. 73. No 226.


Feiling K. British Foreign Policy, 1660-1672. London, 1930. P. 70.


См.: Answer to the French Ambassador's Claim to the Forts and Countries in America (Nova Scotia), Exhibited in the Behalf of the Lord La Tour, Temple, and Crowne, Proprietors. 1662 // Calendar of State Papers. Colonial Series. Vol. V. P. 77. No. 241.


См. также: Extrait de la lettre du Comte d'Estrades au Roi du 13 mars 1662 // Memoires des Commissaires de Sa Majeste Tres-Chretienne et de ceux de Sa Ma-jeste Britannique sur les possessions et les droit respectifs des deux Couronnes en Amerique: 3 t. T. II. Amsterdam, 1755. P. 545.


См.: Petition of Thomas Temple to the King and Privy Council. [Feb. 26] 1662 // Calendar of State Papers. Colonial Series. Vol. V. P. 77. No 240; The Title of the English to Nova Scotia, and the Commodities it Yields. 1662 // Ibid. P. 78. No 242.


См.: Grant to Thos Temple of the Office of Governor of Nova Scotia and Acadie, and Other Parts in America for Life. July 10, 1662 // Ibid. P. 96. No 322; Commission to Thos. Temple for the government of Acadie and Part of Nova Scotia. July 10, 1662 // Ibid. P. 96. No 323; Bounds of Sir Thomas Temple's Patent of Nova Scotia. July 1662 // Ibid. P. 101-102. No 340.


См.: Extrait de la lettre du Roi a M. le Comte d'Estrades, du 4 mars 1662 // Memoires des Commissaires… T. II. P. 545.


Extrait de la lettre du Roi a M. le Comte d'Estrades, du 18 mars 1662 // Ibid. P. 550-551.


См.: Lavisse E. Histoire de la France illustree. Depuis des origines jusqu'a la revolution: 9 t. T. VII, Pt. 2. Paris, 1900-1911. P. 284-285.


Борисов IO.В. Указ. соч. С. 150-151.


The King to Sir Thos. Temple. Whitehall. Feb. 22, 1666 // Calendar of State Papers. Colonial Series. Vol. V. P. 357-358. No 1136.


The King to the Governor and Council of Connecticut. Feb. 22, 1666 // Ibid. P. 357. No 1134.




The King to [Sir Thomas Temple, Governor of Nova Scotia]. 1666 // Calendar of State Papers. Colonial Series. Vol. V. P. 358. No 1137.


The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents: In 73 vols / Ed. by R. G. Thwaites. Vol. L. Cleveland, 1896-1901. P. 134.


A Relation of the Governor of Canada His March with 600 Volunteers into the Territories of His Royal Highness the Duke of York in America (February 1666) // Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York: In 15 vols / Ed. by E. B. O'Callaghan and B. Fernow. Vol. III. Albany, 1853-1887. P. 118.


Colonel Nicolls to the Council of Massachusetts, July the 6th 1666 // Ibid. Vol. III. P. 120.


Samuel Wills to Colonel Nicolls, Hartford, July 11th 1666 // Ibid. P. 120-121.


John Winthrop, Governor of Connecticut, to Sec. Lord Arlington. Boston, NewEngland. Oct. 25 1666 // Calendar of State Papers. Colonial Series. Vol. V. P. 417.No 1295.


См.: Sir Thos. Temple to Sec. Lord Arlington. Boston. March 10, 1667 // Ibid.P. 455. No 1441.


Savelle M. The Origins of American Diplomacy: The International History of Angloamerica, 1492-1763. New York; London, 1967. P. 92.


См.: Governor Tracy to the Commissaries at Albany, Quebec, 14th July 1666 // Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York. Vol. III. P. 129-130; Governor Tracy to the Commissaries at Albany, Quebec, 22th July 1666 // Ibid. P. 131; Governor Tracy to Colonel Nicolls, Quebec, April 30th 1667 // Ibid. P. 152-154.

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Книги, аналогичгные От межколониальных конфликтов к битве империй: англо-французское соперничество в Северной Америке в XVII-начале XVIII в. - Юрий Акимов

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