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Dictionary of Canadian Biography. Toronto; Quebec. Vol. I: 1000-1700. 1966; Vol. II: 1701-1740. 1969; Vol. Ill: 1741-1770. 1974.

Dictionary of National Biography: In 22 vols. Oxford; London, 1921-1922.

Le Jeune L.-M. Dictionnaire generate de biographie, histoire, litterature, agriculture, commerce, industrie et des arts, sciences, moeurs, coutumes, institutions poli-tiques et religieuses du Canada: 2 t. Ottawa, 1932.

U.S. Bureau of Census. Historical Statistics of the United States, Colonial Times to 1970: In 2 vols. Washington, 1975.

Атласы, карты

Association of Canadian Map Libraries — Association des Carthoteques Canadi-ennes. Canada. Historical Maps — Cartes historiques. Ottawa, 1980.

Atlas de la Nouvelle France. Quebec, 1968

Atlas of American History / Ed. by J. T. Adams. New York, 1943.

Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United States / Ed. by Ch. O. Paullin, J.K.Wright. Washington; New York, 1932.

Historical Atlas of Canada / Ed. by D. G. G. Kerr. Toronto, 1961.

Historical Atlas of Canada / Ed. by L. J. Burpee. Toronto, 1927.

Trudel M. Atlas historique du Canada frangais. Des origines a 1867. Quebec, 1961.

Wheat СI. Mapping the Transmississippi West: In 3 vols. San Francisco, 1957.

Ресурсы интернет

Colonial American History and the Early Republic to 1812 / URL: http://web.uccs.edu/~history/index/colonial.html

Colonial Charters, Grants and Related Documents / The Avalon Project at the Yale Law School / URL: http://www.yale.uccs.edu/~history/index/colonial.html

Colonial North America / Internet Modern History Sourcebook / URL: http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/modsbook07.html

Documents Relating to American Foreign Policy. Pre-1898 / URL: http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/prel898.htm

The New World / University of Georgia Libraries. Hargrett. Rare books Sz Manuscripts Library. Rare Maps Collection / URL: http://www.libs.uga.edu/darchive/hargrett/maps

United States — History — 1600-1775. Colonial Period. К 12 Resources / URL: http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/colonial.htm


На это указывали еще классики отечественной и зарубежной исторической науки. См., напр.: Тарле Е. В. Очерки истории колониальной политики западноевропейских государств (конец XV — начало XIX в.). М.; Л., 1965. С. 147; ср.: Сили Дж. Р. Расширение Англии: Два курса лекций. СПб., 1903.


Eccles W. J. The Role of the American Colonies in Eighteenth-Century French Foreign Policy // Eccles W.J. Essays on New France. Toronto, 1987. P. 145.


Netteles С. P. Roots of American Civilization. New York, 1938.


Boorstin D. J. The Genius of American Politics. New York, 1959. P. 10.


См., напр.: Buffinton A.M. The Isolation Policy of Colonial Massachusetts // New England Quarterly. 1928. Vol. I, No 2. April.


Boorstin D.J. Editor's Preface // Peckham H.H. Colonial Wars, 1689-1762. Chicago; London, 1964. P. VIII.


См.: Rudin R. Making History in Twentieth-Century. Quebec, 1997.


Цит. по: Гловер К. Д. Квебек: бесконечная история сепаратизма // URL: http://www.intellectualcapital.ru/iss2-44/icopin44-l.htm


Bradley A.G. The Fight with France for North America. New York, 1971 (reprint). P. V.


Сили Дж. Р. Указ. соч. С. 18-19.


European Treaties Bearing on the History of the United States and its Dependencies / Ed. by F. G. Davenport: In 4 vols. Washington, 1917-1936.


Прежде всего это относится к первым трем томам, которые охватывают период до 1715 г. Собранные Дейвенпорт документы, относящиеся к 1716 1815 гг., были опубликованы уже после ее смерти Ч. О. Паулином и имеют гораздо более бедный вспомогательный аппарат.


Recueil de pieces sur la Negotiation entre la Nouvelle France et la Nouvelle An-gleterre es annees 1648 et suivantes / Ed. par J. G. Shea. New York, 1866.


1690: Sir William Phips devant Quebec. Histoirc d'un siege / Ed. par E. My rand. Montreal, 1925; The Walker Expedition to Quebec, 1711 / Ed. and with an introd. by G. S. Graham. Toronto, 1953.


Calendar of State Papers. Colonial Series. Vol. I, V, VII, IX-XXVII. London, 1860-1926; Proceedings and Debates of British Parliament Respecting North America: In 5 vols / Ed. by L. F. Stock. Washington, 1924-1941; Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York: In 15 vols / Ed. by E. B. O'Callaghan and B. Fernow. Albany, 1853-1887; O'Callaghan E. B. Documentary History of the State of New York: In 4 vols. Albany, 1849-1851; Documentary History of the State of Maine: In 24 vols / Ed. by W. Willis et al. Portland, 1896-1916; Memoires et documents pour servir a I'histoire des origines franchises des pays d'Outre-Mer. Decouvertes et etablissements des Frangais dans l'Ouest et dans le Sud de PAmerique Septentrionale: 6 t. / Ed. par P. Margry. Paris, 1879-1888; Rapport de l'Archiviste de la Province de Quebec pour les annees: 1928/1929; 1938/1939; 1939/1940; 1942/1943; 1946/1947; Collection de manuscrits contenant lcttres, memoires et autres documents historiques rclatifs a I'histoire de la Nouvelle-France, recueillis aux Archives de la Province de Quebec ou copies a l'etranger: 4 t. Quebec, 1883-1885.


Acadia at the End of the Seventeenth Century: Letters, Journals and Memoirs of Joseph Robineau de Villebon, commandant in Acadia, 1690-1700 / Ed. by J.C.Webster. St. John, 1934; Royal Letters, Charters, and Tracts, Relating to the Colonization of New Scotland and the Institution of the Order of Knights Baronets of New Scotland, 1621-1638 / Ed. by D. Laing. Edinburgh, 1867; Nouveau documents sur Champlain et son epoque. Vol. I: 1560-1622 / Rcc. et publies par R. Le Bant et R. Baudry. Ottawa, 1967.


Memoires des Commissaires de Sa Majeste Tres-Chretienne et de ceux de Sa Majeste Britannique sur les possessions et les droit respectifs des deux Couronnes en Amerique: 3 t. Amsterdam, 1755.


British Diplomatic Instructions, 1689-1789 / Ed. by L. G. Wickham Legg. Vol. II: France, 1689-1721. London, 1925; Recueil des instructions donnees aux ministres de France depuis les traites de Westphalie jusqu'a la Revolution Francaise. Vol. XXV-2. Angleterre. T. Ill: (1698-1791). Paris, 1965; Lagrelle A. Notes et documents sur la paix de Ryswick. Lille, 1894; Actes et memoires des negociations de la Paix de Ryswick: 2 t. La Haye, 1707; Actes, memoires et autres pieces autentiques, concernant la Paix d'Utrecht. Depuis l'annee 1706 jusqu'a present: 6 vols. Utrecht, 1712-1715.


См., напр.: Mather С. Magnalia Christi Americana: In 2 vols. Hartford, 1820; Diary of Samuel Sewall // Massachusetts Historical Society Collections: In 5th Series. Vol. VI; Les Annales de l'Hotel-Dieu de Quebec, 1636-1716. Composees par les Rev. Meres J.-F. Juchereau de St. Ignace et M. A. Duplessis de Ste. Helene ancienne Religieuse de ce Monastere / Ed. dans leur texte original avec une Introduction et des Notes par Dom A. Jamet de l'Abbaye de Solesmes. A l'Hotel-Dieu de Quebec, 1939 (Reimpression en facsimille: 1984); La Hontan L.-A. de Lorn d'Arce baron de. 1) Les nouveau voyages de monsieur le baron de La Hontan dans l'Amerique septentrionale. La Haye, 1703; 2) Les memoires de 1'Amerique septentrionale ou la suite de voyages de monsieur le baron de La Hontan. La Haye, 1703.


См., напр.: Torcy J.-В. Colbert, marquis de. Memoires de monsieur de Torcy, pour servir a I'histoire des negociations depuis le traite de Riswick jusqu'a la paix d'Utrecht: 3 t. London; Amsterdam; Utrecht, 1757.


The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents: In 73 vols / Ed. by R. G. Thwaites. Cleveland, 1896-1901.


См.: Travels and Works of Captain John Smith: In 2 vols / Ed. by E. Arber. Edinburgh, 1910; Champlain S. de. CEuvres de Champlain: 3 t. / Presente par G.-E. Giguere Montreal, 1973; Narratives of the Indian Wars, 1675-1699 / Ed. by Ch. H. Lincoln. New York, 1913 (reprint 1941).


Denys N. Description geographique et historique des costes de 1'Amerique septen-trionale. Avec l'histoire naturelle du pais: 2 t. Paris, 1672.


Winthrop's Journal History of New England: In 2 vols / Ed. by J.K.Hosmer. New York, 1908; Bradford's History of Plimouth Plantation, 1606-1646 / Ed. by W. T. Davis. New York, 1908; Johnson's Wonder-Working Providence, 1628-1651 / Ed. be J.Franklin Jameson. New York, 1910.


Lescarbot M. Histoire de la Nouvelle France. Paris, 1609 (reed. Paris, 1866. 3 t).


Colden С The History of Five Indian Nations in Canada, which are Dependent of the Province of New York in America, and are the Barrier between the English and French in that Part of the World. London, 1747; Stith W. The History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia Williamsburg, 1747; Prince Th. A Chronological History of New England. Boston, 1736; Creuxio F. Historiae canadensis seu Novae Franciae. Parisiis, M.D.C.LXIV (transl.: Du Creux F. History of Canada. Toronto, 1951); Boucher P. Histoire veritable et naturelle des mceurs et production de pays de la Nouvelle France, vulgairement dite le Canada. Paris, 1664 (reed. Boucherville, 1964); Charlevoix P. F. X. de. Histoire et description generale de la Nouvelle France: 3 t. Paris, 1744.


См., напр.: Dummer J. 1) A Letter to a Friend in the Country. London, 1712; 2) A Letter to a Noble Lord Concerning the Late Expedition to Canada. Boston, 1712; The English Empire in America: Or a Present State of Their Majesties Dominions in the West-Indies. London, 1G92; Frontiers Well-Defended. An Essay, to Direct the Frontiers of a Country Exposed unto the Incursions of a Barbarous Enemy, how to Behave Themselves in Their Uneasy Situation? Boston, 1707; Addison J. The Present State of the War and the Necessity of an Augmentation, Considered. London, 1707.


Atlas de la Nouvelle France. Quebec, 1968; Atlas of American History / Ed. by J. T. Adams. New York, 1943; Atlas of the Historical Geography of the United Slates / Ed. by Ch. O. Paullin, J.K.Wright. Washington; New York, 1932; Canada: Historical Maps — Cartes historiques. Ottawa, 1980; A Historical Atlas of Canada / Va. by D. G. G. Kerr. Toronto, 1961; Trudel M. Atlas historique du Canada francais. I) les origines a 1867. Quebec, 1961.


См., напр.: The New World / University of Georgia Libraries. Hargrett. Hare books &; Manuscripts Library. Rare Maps Collection // URL: http://www. libs.uga.edu/darchivc/hargrett/maps


См.: Savelle M. The Origins of American Diplomacy: The International History of Angloamerica, 1492-1763. New York; London, 1967.


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Carter Ch. H. The New World as a Factor in International Relations, 1492-1739 // First Images of America: The Impact of the New World on the Old: In2 vols / Ed. by F. Chiapelli. Vol. I. Berkeley; Los Angeles; London, 1976. P. 231-263.


Kirke H. The First English Conquest of Canada with Some Account of the Earliest Settlements in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. London, 1871.


См.: Parkman F. France and England in North America: In 2 vols. New York, 1983 (Vol. 1: Pioneers of France in the New World; The Jesuits in North America; La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West; The Old Regime in Canada; Vol. 2: Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV; A Half-Century of Conflict; Moncalm and Wolfe).


См.: Gale R. L. Francis Parkman. New York, 1973. P. 166.


Moris on S.E., Commager H.S. The Growth of American Republic: In 2 vols. Vol. II. 5th ed. New York, 1962. P. 374.


Parkman F. Op. cit. Vol. 2. P. 869.


Ibid. Vol. 1. P. 712.


Ibid. Vol. 2. P. 9.


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Книги, аналогичгные От межколониальных конфликтов к битве империй: англо-французское соперничество в Северной Америке в XVII-начале XVIII в. - Юрий Акимов

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