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Fox Bourne H. R. English Seamen under the Tudors. In Two Volums. L.: Richard Bentley, 1868.

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Hale J. R. The Story of the Great Armada. L.: Thomas Nelson and Sons, 1913.

Hammer P. E. J. Elizabeth's Wars: War, Government, and Society in Tudor England, 1544–1604. N. Y.: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.

Hanson N. The confident hope of a miracle: the true history of the Spanish Armada. N. Y.: Vintage Books, 2006.

Harris H. J. Drake of Tavistock. Exeter: Devon Books, 1988.

Hart F. R. Admirals of the Caribbean. Boston, N. Y.: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1922.

Harte W. J. Sir Francis Drake. L.: Society for promoting Christian knowledge, 1920.

Hervey F. The naval history of Great Britain: from the earliest times to the rising of the Parliament in 1779. Describing, particularly, the glorious atchieve-ments in the last war. Also the lives and actions of illustrious commanders and navigators. L.: Printed by W. Adlard, 1779. Vol. 1.

Hoogenboom L. Sir Francis Drake: A Primary Source Biography. N. Y.: Power Kids Press, 2006.

Howarth D. The Voyage of the Armada. The Spanish Story. L.: Collins, 1985.

Jewitt L. A History of Plymouth. L.: Simpkin, Marshall and Co.; Plymouth: W. H. Luke, 1873.

Johnstone С. I. Lives and voyages of Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier: including a view of the history of the buccaneers. Third edition /Christian Isobel Johnstone. Edinburgh: Oliver and Boyd, 1837.

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Kelsey H. Sir Francis Drake: the Queen’s Pirate. L.: Yale University Press, 1998.

Konstam A., Dennis P. The Great Expedition: Sir Francis Drake on the Spanish Main 1585–86. Oxford: Osprey, 2011.

Kraus H. P. Sir Francis Drake: A Pictoral Biography. Amsterdam: N. Israel, 1970.

Lace W. W. Sir Francis Drake. N. Y.: Chelsea House, 2009.

Lane К. E. Pillaging the empire: piracy in the Americas, 1500–1750. N. Y.: М. E. Sharpe, 1998.

Lessa W. A. Drake in the South Seas /In: Sir Francis Drake and the Famous Voyage, 1577–1580 /Ed. by N. J. W. Thrower. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1984.

Marley D. Wars of the Americas: A Chronology of Armed Conflict in the New World, 1492 to the Present. Santa Barbara: ABC–CLIO, 1998.

Marrin A. The Sea King: Sir Francis Drake and his Times. N. Y.: Atheneum Books for Young Readers, 1995.

Martin C. and Parker G. The Spanish Armada: Revised Edition. Manchester: Mandolin, 1999.

Martin P. Spanish Armada prisoners: The story of the Nuestra Senora del Rosario and her crew, and of other prisoners in England, 1587–97. Exeter: Exeter University Publ., 1988.

MasonA.E. W. The Life of Francis Drake. L.: Hodder and Stoughton, 1941.

Mattingly G. The Armada. Boston, Mass.; N. Y.: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2005.

McQuien T. P. Sir Francis Drake in English and Spanish Literature of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. A Dissertation in English. Lubbock: Texas Tech University, 1973.

Mota F. Piratas en el Caribe. La Habana: Casa de las Americas, 1984.

Navigantium atque itinerantium bibliotheca, or, A compleat collection of voyages and travels consisting of above four hundred of the most authentick writers, beginning with Hackluit… and continued with others of note… relating to any part of Asia, Africa, America, Europe or the islands thereof, to this present time… also an appendix of the remarkable accidents at sea… together with the invention and use of the magnet, and its variation, &c. /Ed. by J. Harris. L., 1705. Vol.. 1,2.

New light on Drake: a collection of documents relating to his voyage of circumnavigation, 1577–1580 /Ed. by Z. Nuttall. L.: Hakluyt Society, 1914.

Newes out of the Coast of Spaine. The True Report of the honorable service for England, perfourmed by Sir Frauncis Drake in the moneths of Aprill and May last past, 1587. upon Cales… /Ed. by Henry Haslop. L.: W. How, 1587.

Nichols Ph. Sir Francis Drake Revived. N. Y.: P F Collier & Son Company, 1910.

Oakeshott W. Founded upon the seas; a narrative of some English maritime and overseas enterprises during the period 1550–1616. Freeport, New York: Books for Libraries Press, 1973.

Paige J. Sir Francis Drake: Circumnavigator of the Globe and Privateer for Queen Elizabeth. N. Y.: The Rosen Publishing Group, 2003.

Papers relating to the Navy during the Spanish War 1585–1587 /Ed. by Julian S. Corbett. L.: The Navy Records Society, MDCCCXCVIII [1898].

Parry J. H. Drake and the World Encompassed /In: Sir Francis Drake and the Famous Voyage, 1577–1580 /Ed. by N. J. W. Thrower. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1984.

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Prior S. All the voyages round the world, from the first of Magellan, in 1520 to that of Freycinet in 1820 /Coll. by Capt. Samuel Prior. N. Y.: William H. Colyer, 1848.

Quinn D. B. Early Accounts of the Famous Voyage /In: Sir Francis Drake and the Famous Voyage, 1577–1580 /Ed. by N. J. W. Thrower. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1984.

Rise E. Sir Francis Drake, Navigator and Pirate. N. Y.: Benchmark Books, 2003.

Rowse A. L. Drake’s Voyage. Clevland: World Publishing Company, 1966.

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Sanderlin G. The Sea Dragon: Journals of Francis Drake’s Voyage Around the World. N. Y.: Harper and Row, 1969.

Sir Francis Drake and the Famous Voyage, 1577–1580: Essays commemorating the quadricentennial of Drake’s circumnavigation of the Earth /Ed. by N. J. W. Thrower. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984.

Sir Francis Drake his voyage, 1595, by Thomas Maynarde, together with the Spanish account of Drake’s attack on Puerto Rico /Ed. by W. D. Cooley. N. Y.: The Hakluyt Society, 1849.

Sir Francis Drake’s Memorable Service Done Against The Spaniards in 1587. Written by Robert Leng, Gentleman, one of his co-adventurers and fellow-soldiers /Ed. by Clarence Hopper. L.: The Camden Society, MDCCCLXIII [1863].

Sir Francis Drake’s West Indian voyage, 1585–86 /Ed. by M. Frear Keeler. L.: Hakluyt Society, 1981.

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Sugden J. Sir Francis Drake. L.: Barrie and Jenkins, 1990.

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The Expedition of Sir John Norris and Sir Francis Drake to Spain and Portugal, 1589 /Ed. By R. B. Wernham. Aldershot: Temple Smith, 1988.

The Last Voyage of Drake and Hawkins /Ed. by Kennet R. Andrews. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1972.

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