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1996. – Гл. 4.

Флёран и др. (A. Fleurant et al., Trends in International Arms Transfers): Aude Fleurant, Pieter D. Wezeman, Siemon T. Wezeman, and Nan Tian, Trends in International Arms Transfers, 2016, fact sheet, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, 2, Feb. 2017. – Гл. 7.

Фордхэм (A. Fordham, All Things Considered): Alice Fordham, All Things Considered, NPR, Feb. 16, 2017. – Гл. 8.

Фрейтас-Тамура (К. de Freytas-Tamura, George Orwell’s «1984»…): Kimiko de Freytas-Tamura, George Orwell’s «1984» Is Suddenly a Best-Seller, New York Times, Jan. 25, 2017. – Гл. 8.

Фридберг-мл. (S. J. Freedberg Jr., Lasers Vs. Drones): Sydney J. Freedberg Jr., Lasers Vs. Drones: Directed Energy Summit Emphasizes the Achievable, Breaking Defense, June 23, 2016. – Гл. 7.

Фридберг-мл. (S. J. Freedberg Jr., The Laser Revolution): Sydney J. Freedberg Jr., The Laser Revolution: This Time It May Be Real, Breaking Defense, July 28, 2015. – Гл. 7.

Фримен-Гренвилль (G. S. P. Freeman-Grenville, The East African Coast): G. S. P. Freeman-Grenville, The East African Coast: Select Documents from the First to the Earlier Nineteenth Century, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1962. – Гл. 3.

Фрис и др. (Т. Freeth et al., Decoding…): Tony Freeth et al., Decoding the Ancient Greek Astronomical Calculator Known as the Antikythera Mechanism, Nature 444, Nov. 30, 2006. – Гл. 2.

Фрис и Джонс (Т. Freeth, A. Jones, The Cosmos…): Tony Freeth and Alexander Jones, «The Cosmos in the Antikythera Mechanism», ISAW Papers 4, Feb. 2012. – Гл. 2.

Хайлбат (A. Heilbut, Exiled in Paradise): Anthony Heilbut, Exiled in Paradise: German Refugee Artists and Intellectuals in America from the 1930s to the Present, New York: Viking, 1983. – Гл. 2.

Хайтен (J. E. Hyten, Space Mission Force): General John E. Hyten, Space Mission Force: Developing Space Warfighters for Tomorrow, white paper, US Air Force Space Command, June 29, 2016. – Гл. 8, 9.

Хан и Гопал (A. Khan and A. Gopal, The Uncounted): Azmat Khan and Anand Gopal, The Uncounted, New York Times Magazine, Nov. 16, 2017. – Гл. 8.

Харвит (M. Harwit, Cosmic Discovery): Martin Harwit, Cosmic Discovery: The Search, Scope, and Heritage of Astronomy, 1st ed., New York: Basic Books, 1981. – Гл. 4.

Харвит (М. Harwit, The Early Days…): Martin Harwit, The Early Days of Infrared Space Astronomy, в The Century of Space Science, ed. J. A. Bleeker, J. Geiss, and M. Huber, Dordrecht: Kluwer, 2002. – Гл. 6.

Харди (J. W. Hardy, Adaptive Optics…): John W. Hardy, Adaptive Optics for Astronomical Telescopes, New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. – Гл. 4.

Харрисон (M. Harrison (ed.), The Economics of World War II: An Overview): Mark Harrison (editor), The Economics of World War II: Six Great Powers in International Comparison, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1998. – Гл. 9.

Xay (E. Howe, Urania’s Children…): Ellic Howe, Urania’s Children: The Strange World of the Astrologers, London: William Kimber, 1967. – Гл. 2.

Xay (E. Howe, Astrology…): Ellic Howe, Astrology and Psychological Warfare During World War II, London: Rider, 1972. – Гл. 2.

Хауард (R. Howard, Psychiatry in Pictures): Robert Howard, Psychiatry in Pictures, Brit. J. Psychiatry, 2002. – Гл. 3.

Хегинботэм и др. (Е. Heginbotham et al., The U. S. – China Military Scorecard): Eric Heginbotham et al., The U. S. – China Military Scorecard: Forces, Geography, and the Evolving Balance of Power 1996–2017, Santa Monica, CA: RAND, 2015. – Гл. 7.

Хейген (A. Hagen, Export versus Direct Investment…): Antje Hagen, Export versus Direct Investment in the German Optical Industry: Carl Zeiss, Jena and Glaswerk Schott & Gen. in the UK, from Their Beginnings to 1933, Business History 38:4 (1996). – Гл. 4.

Хенниган (W. J. Hennigan, «Chief Skunk»): W. J. Hennigan, «Chief Skunk» at a Hush-Hush Weapons Complex, Los Angeles Times, May 13, 2012.

Хирншоу (J. Hearnshaw, Auguste Comte’s Blunder): John Hearnshaw, Auguste Comte’s Blunder: An Account of the First Century of Stellar Spectroscopy and How It Took One Hundred Years to Prove That Comte Was Wrong, J. Astronomical History and Heritage 13:2, 2010. – Гл. 4.

Хиршфелд (A. W. Hirshfeld, Picturing the Heavens): Alan W. Hirshfeld, Picturing the Heavens: The Rise of Celestial Photography in the 19th Century, Sky & Telescope, Apr. 2004. – Гл. 4.

Хитченз и Джонсон-Фриз (Т. Hitchens and J. Johnson-Freese, Toward a New National Security Space Strategy): Theresa Hitchens and Joan Johnson-Freese, Toward a New National Security Space Strategy: Time for a Strategic Rebalancing, Atlantic Council Strategy Paper 5, June 2016. – Гл. 9.

Холлоуэй (D. Holloway, Stalin and the Bomb): David Holloway, Stalin and the Bomb: The Soviet Union and Atomic Energy, 1939–1956. – Гл. 7.

Хольцман и Персон (G. J. Holzmann and В. Pehrson, The Early History…): Gerard J. Holzmann and Bjorn Pehrson, The Early History of Data Networks, Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press, 1995. – Гл. 4.

Хоукс (C. F. C. Hawkes, Pytheas…): C. F. C. Hawkes, Pytheas: Europe and the Greek Explorer, in The Eighth J. L. Myres Memorial Lecture, Oxford: Blackwell, 1977. – Гл. 3.

Хубин и Ноэс (N. Hubin and L. Noethe, Active Optics…): N. Hubin and L. Noethe, Active Optics, Adaptive Optics, and Laser Guide Stars, Science 262:5138, Nov. 26, 1993. – Гл. 4.

Хукер (В. Hooker, New Light…): Brian Hooker, New Light on Jodocus Hondius» Great World Mercator Map of 1598, Geographical J. 159:1, Mar. 1993. – Гл. 3.

Хэйр (P. E. H. Hair, Columbus from Guinea to America): P. E. H. Hair, Columbus from Guinea to America, History in Africa, 17, 1990. – Гл. 3.

Хэмси (R. Khamsi, Neanderthals…): Roxanne Khamsi, «Neanderthals Roamed as Far as Siberia», New Scientist, Sept. 30, 2007. – Гл. 3.

Хэнкок (К. J. Hancock, Russia): Kathleen J. Hancock, Russia: Great Power Image Versus Economic Reality, Asian Perspective 31:4, 2007. – Гл. 8.

Хэрли (J. В. Harley, Silences and Secrecy): J. B. Harley, Silences and Secrecy: The Hidden Agenda of Cartography in Early Modern Europe, Imago Mundi 40, 1988. – Гл. 3.

Цзэн (Lillian Lan-ying Tseng, Picturing Heaven…): Lillian Lan-ying Tseng, Picturing Heaven in Early China, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Asia Center, 2011. —Гл. 2.

Циммерман (D. Zimmerman, Britain’s Shield): David Zimmerman, Britain’s Shield: Radar and the Defeat of the Luftwaffe, Stroud, UK: Amberly, 2013. – Гл. 5.

Цукерман (L. Zuckerman, Satellite Failure…): Lawrence Zuckerman, Satellite Failure Is Rare, and Therefore Unsettling, New York Times, May 21, 1998. – Гл. 7.

Чаморро (X. Chamorro, Survey of Archaeological Research…): X. Chamorro, Survey of Archaeological Research on Tartessos, Amer. J. Archaeology 91:2, Apr. 1987. – Гл. 3.

Чандра (Vikram Chandra, Sacred Games): Vikram Chandra,

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