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8 Aldrich, GCHQ. P. 31; Aldrich, The Hidden Hand. P. 25; Trotter, The Winter War: The Russo-Finnish War of 1939–1940.

9 TNA KV 4/85 «The Enemy Alien population in the UK by Mr. Aiken-Sneath» (Jul 1943). P. 27–28, 36; Grant, «Desperate Measures: Britain’s internment of fascists during the Second World War»; Thurlow, «Internment in the Second World War».

10 Curry, The Security Service. P. 373; Jeffery, MI6. P. 382–389.

11 Burleigh, Blood and Rage; Winter, «British Intelligence, Adolf Hitler and the German High Command, 1939–1945».

12 Kershaw, Nazi Dictatorship: Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation; Adam Sisman, Hugh Trevor-Roper: The Biography. P. 92; Curry, The Security Service. P. 48, 146–148.

13 Winter, «Libra Rising: Hitler, Astrology and British Intelligence, 1940–1943».

14 Andrew, «Churchill and Intelligence».

15 Aldrich, GCHQ. P. 5, 25–27; Hinsley, «British Intelligence in the Second World War» in Andrew and Noakes (eds), Intelligence and International Relations. P. 210; Однако Smith в «Bletchley Park and the Holocaust» показывает, что изначальные аргументы, выдвинутые у Bre-itman, Official Secrets: What the Nazis Planned, What the British and Americans Knew, следует подвергать сомнению.

16 Hinsley, «The influence of Ultra» in Hinsley and Stripp (eds), Codebreakers; см. Aldrich, GCHQ. P. 59, краткое изложение.

17 Masterman, The Double-Cross System. P. 3.

18 Shelley, «Empire of Shadows». P. 131–132.

19 Maskelyne, Magic – Top Secret. P. 31–36; Howard, British Intelligence i the Second World War vol. V Strategic Deception. P. 38.

20 Howard, British Intelligence in the Second World War vol. V. P. XII, 23–25; Foot, Memories of an SOE Historian. P. 172.

21 Holt, The Deceivers. P. 218, 270; Howard, British Intelligence in the Second World War vol. V. P. 37, 62–63; TNA KV 4/197 «Organization and functions of SIME special section, 1942-45», s. 3a: Douglas Roberts, «Report on Cheese» (19 фев. 1943).

22 Montagu, The Man Who Never Was; Macintyre, Operation Mincemeat.

23 TNA KV 4/87 s. 2a: Sir David Petrie to Sir Anthony Eden (26 июня 1944); Hesketh, Fortitude: The D-Day Deception Campaign; Pujol with West, Garbo; Harris, Garbo: The Spy Who Saved D-Day.

24 Jeffery, MI6. P. 406–407.

25 Masterman, Double-Cross System. P. 8–9 наводит на мысль, что стратегический обман не был приоритетом для МИ-5 в начале войны.

26 Wilson, «War in the Dark». P. 126; IWML David Mure papers 67/312/1 T.A. Robertson to David Mure (28 фев. 1979).

27 «Obituary: Sir John Masterman», The Times (7 Jun 1977); Andrew, Secret Service. P. 471.

28 Curry, The Security Service. P. 254; Harris, GARBO: The Spy Who Saved D-Day.

29 Bristow, A Game of Moles. P. 28.

30 TNA KV 4/18 «Report on the operation of overseas control in connection with the establishment of DSO’s in the British colonies & liaison with the security authorities in the Dominions during the war of 19391945». P. 2–3; TNA KV 4/169 «Functions of overseas control»; KV 4/234 «Intelligence organisation in the Middle East (SIME)», s. 1a: T.A. Robertson’s visit to Egypt (20 Mar 1942-17 Apr 1942); KV 4/240 «Report by D.G. White on visit to the Middle East in 1943»; Curry, The Security Service.

31 Aldrich, GCHQ. P. 153; E.D.R. Harrison, «British Radio Security and Intelligence», English Historical Review (2009).

32 O’Halpin (ed.), MI5 and Ireland. P. 46–47; Hull, «The Irish interlude: German intelligence in Ireland». P. 702–703; Buchheit, Der Deutsche Geheimdienst. P. 241–242; Curry, The Security Service. P. 125.

33 Trevor-Roper, The Last Days of Hitler. P. 23; R.A. Ratcliff, Delusions of Intelligence.

34 Автор хотел бы поблагодарить доктора Пола Уинтера за обсуждение с ним его исследований на эту тему.

35 TNA KV 2/86 Dr Norbert von Rantzau [Nikolaus Ritter], s. 144a: Major Gwyer, F.2.c (15 мая 1946).

36 TNA KV 2/1163 Ernst Paul Fackenheim; Bar-Zohar, Hitler’s Jewish Spy. P. 212–213; KV 2/400 Kurt Wieland s. 17a: SIME Report (30 окт. 1944); Burleigh, Blood and Rage. P. 96–98.

37 TNA KV 2/1463 Mohsen Fadl s. 22a: RJ Maunsell, SIME, to DG White, MI5 London, «PYRAMID organization» (20 июня 1943); KV 2/1468 Hans Eppler s. 22a: EB Stamp, B1B (5 янв. 1943); KV 3/74 German espionage in North Africa s. 3a: Enemy W/T communications in the Sahara and Libyan desert (19 дек. 1941); Matthias Schulz, «The Gay «English Patient»«, Der Spiegel (онлайн-издание 4 фев. 2010, доступно с 22 окт. 2012).

38 BL IOR L/P&J/12/218 Bose conspiracy case s. 33 IPI to Mr Silver, India Offi ce, copied to SIS (24 мар. 1942) там же s. 63 IPI to Mr Silver, India Office (26 янв. 1943), forwarding arrest notes «Bhagat Ram’s story»; Ram, The Talwars of Pathan Land and Subhas Chandra’s Great Escape.

39 TNA KV 4/332 Liaison with D.I.B. India in handling special agents s. 102a: JH Marriott, B1a (1 сент. 1943); Hauner, India in Axis Strategy. P. 338.

40 Howard, British Intelligence in the Second World War vol. V Strategic Deception. P. 208; TNA KV4/191 Diaries of Guy Liddell (15 июня 1943); там же KV4/192 (19 авг. 1943.

41 TNA KV 4/332 Liaison with DIB India in handling special agents s. 26c Marriott New Delhi to DG MI5 (28 мар. 1943). P. 2.

42 Magan, Middle Eastern Approaches. P. 16–19; Bose, The Indian Struggle. P. 434–437.

43 Foot, Special Operations Executive; TNA HS1; TNA HS3.

44 Aldrich, Intelligence and the War Against Japan. P. 65–66.

45 Bayly and Harper, Forgotten Wars: The End of Britain’s Asian Empire. P. 30—1; Cross, Red Jungle. P. 19–37; Chapman, The Jungle is Neutral. P. 34.

46 Cruickshank, SOE in the Far East. P. 27.

47 Chapman, The Jungle is Neutral Ch. 4; Shelley, Empire of Shadows. P. 120, 122.

48 Cruickshank, SOE in the Far East. P. 14, 27, 196–209; Hudson, Undercover Operator. P. 131.

49 Aldrich, Intelligence and the War Against Japan. P. 66.

50 Foot, SOE in the Low Countries.

51 Foot, «Was SOE Any Good?» in Laqueur (ed.), The Second World War. P. 241, 248.

52 TNA KV 4/132 Powers of detention, interrogation and deportation to UK of enemy aliens and alien suspects apprehended in the Dominions and colonies (including non-enemy aliens removed from ships) протокол 11 D.G. White to SLA [legal adviser] (9 июня 1942).

53 TNA KV 2/2116—2118 Roger Lannoy. Я благодарен Саре Миллер (Кембриджский университет и Гарвардская школа права) за привлечение моего внимания к этому делу. Liversidge v Anderson [1942] AC 206; личная информация.

54 TNA KV 4/132 Minute 13: SLA (11 июня 1942).

55 Hart, The Concept of Law.

56 Hoare (ed.), Camp 020. P. 270; KV 2/1722 Osmar Hellmuth протокол 18 H.L.A. Hart, B.1.b (20 окт. 1943); Schellenberg, The Memoirs of Hitler’s Spy Chief.

57 TNA KV2/2946 De Freitas; Camp 020. P. 206, 213—14; Philby, My Silent War. P. 50–51.

58 KV 2/1107 Alfredo Manna s. 19a: Alfredo Manna SIS to Courtenay Young, MI5 (17 июня 1943); Muggeridge, The Infernal Grove. P. 170–171. И снова я хотел бы поблагодарить Сару Миллер за то, что поделилась со мной подробной информацией о своем расследовании дела Манна.

59 Moen, John Moe: Double Agent; Camp 020. P. 57—8; TNA FO 1005/1744 «Detailed interrogation centre 10, Bad Nenndorf. Court of inquiry reports», statement Lt. Col. R.G.W. Stephens (7 Apr 1947). P. 3–4.

60 Camp 020. P. 270.

61 Curry, The Security Service. P. 229.

62 TNA KV 4/190 Diaries of Guy Liddell (27 окт. 1942).

63 TNA KV 4/191 Diaries of Guy Liddell (16 Mar 1943); Andrew and Mitrokhin, The Mitrokhin Archive.

64 Aldrich, GCHQ. P. 30–31; Aldrich, The Hidden Hand. P. 38; TNA HW 171—3 «Decrypts of communist international (COMINTERN) messages, 1934–1945»; HW 17/53—66 «Iscott».

65 TNA KV 4/54 «Report on the operations of F-Division in connection with subversive activities during the War 1939–1945». P. 3; Curry, The Security Service. P. 350.

66 TNA KV 4/21 «Report on the operations of the Registry during the war 1939–1945», s. 1a: Roger Hollis (12 Dec 1945); Robert Cecil, «The Cambridge Comintern» in Andrew and Dilks (eds), The Missing Dimension. P. 179; TNA KV4/473 Diaries of Guy Liddell.

67 Dilks (ed.), The Diaries of Sir Alexander Cadogan. P. 586.

68 TNA KV 4/224 «KISS» s. 10a: Alan Roger, MI5 DSO Tehran, «Cooperation with Russian security» (28 дек. 1944); Ibid. s. 14a: «Information about Russian intelligence gained from cooperation between DSO and Russian security authorities» (7 мар.1945); KV 4/225, s. 18a: Alex Kellar to Roger Hollis (7 апр. 1945).

69 TNA KV 4/223, s. 68a: H.K. Dawson-Shepherd, CICI Baghdad (14 июля 1945).

70 TNA KV 4/267 протокол 189a: Sir David Petrie (29 авг. 1945); там же протокол 52a: Roger Hollis (5 Sept 1945); Andrew and Walton, «The Gouzenko Case and British Secret Intelligence» in Black and Rud-ner (eds), The Gouzenko Affair.

Глава 3

«Явно виден сигнал опасности»

1 Conrad, The Secret Agent. P. 46.

2 IWM Montgomery papers 211/18 Cunningham to Colonial Office (13 нояб. 1946).

3 TNA CAB 81/121 JIC (44) 464 (0) Final, «Soviet strategic interests and intentions after the war» (18 дек. 1944); CAB 81/132 JIC 81/123 JIC (46) 1 (0) (Final), «Russia’s strategic interests and intentions» (1 мар.1946); CAB 81/133 JIC (46) 70 (0) Final, «The spread of communism throughout the world and the extent of its direction from Moscow» (23 сент. 1946); Hennessy, The Secret State. P. 2–3.

4 Gaddis, We Now Know; Barrass, Great Cold War.

5 Hennessy, Having it so Good. P. 313; Hennessy, The Secret State. P. 2–3.

6 KV 4/158 «Brief notes on the Security Service and its work prepared for Permanent Under Secretaries, service intelligence departments etc.», протокол 14a: John Curry (1 окт. 1946.

7 TNA KV 3/414 «Use of poisons by German Sabotage Service» s. 1a «Note by Lord Rothschild» (20 фев. 1945); там же s. 3a Supreme Allied Headquarters report «German terrorist methods» (2 апр. 1945); там же s. 16b «Belt buckle pistols» (XX US Corps, n.d..

8 TNA KV 2/271 «Ernst Kaltenbrunner», s. 65a: U.S. 12 Army Group to War Room, London, through OSS (13 июня 1945) s. 74a: Robert Stephens to Helenus Milmo (18 июня 1945); нет никакого упоминания, например, о допросе Кальтенбруннера в лагере 020 у Overy, Interrogations: The Nazi Elite in Allied Hands, 1945; Trevor-Roper, The Last Days of Hitler.

9 Bennett, The Zinoviev Affair.

10 Simpson, In the Highest Degree Odious: British Internment in the Second World War: Grant, «Desperate Measures».

11 TNA KV 4/158, s. 13a: «A short note on the Security Service and its responsibilities» (окт. 1946). P. 3.

12 TNA KV 5/30 «Stern Group», s. 111z: Alex Kellar to Trafford Smith, Colonial Office (16 авг. 1946); Ibid. James Robertson to Leonard Burt, Special Branch (26 авг. 1946); CO 733/457/13 «Terrorist outrages. Extension to the United Kingdom», s. 4: Sir David Petrie to Sir Alexander Maxwell, Home Office (2 апр. 1945); KV 5/4 «United Zionist «Revisionist» youth organization» Minute 24a: Sir David Petrie (30 мар. 1946).

13 Aldrich, The Hidden Hand. P. 258.

14 Burleigh, Blood and Rage. P. 101–104.

15 TNA KV 2/2252 «Menachem Begin», Minute 131: John Shaw (5 авг. 1953); TNA KV4/467 Diaries of Guy Liddell (2 авг. 1946); Clarke, By Blood and Fire. P. 252; Letters to the Editor, The Times (24 июля 2006); Brendon, Decline and Fall. P. 475.

16 TNA FO 371/67796 «Italy»: E. Irdell, Посольство Великобритании в Риме (23 янв. 1947); CO 537/1723 «Terrorist outrages: extension to UK»; EF 5/12 «Outrages 1947–1948: letter bombs», H.E. Watts, Chief Inspector of Explosives (24 июня 1947); Cesarani, Major Farran’s Hat. P. 85; «Terrorist Bomb in Whitehall», The Times (17 апр. 1946); «Letter Bombs from Turin», The Times (7 июня 1947); Burt, Commander Burt of Scotland Yard. P. 126–127; «Avner», Memoirs of an Assassin. P. 18–20.

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