A Critique of Kallmann’s and Slater’s Genetic Teory of Schizophrenia // Laing R. D. Te Man and His Ideas / R. Evans (ed.). N.Y.: E. P. Dutton, 1976. P. 97–156.
An Examination of Tillich’s of Anxiety and Neurosis // British Journal of Medical Psychology. 1957. No. 30. P. 88–91.
A Ten-Day Voyage // Views. 1965. No. 8.
Appearances and Disappearances; Te Terror of Security and the Security of Terror // Fire. 1967. No. 1.
E. H. Erikson’s “Insight and Responsibility” // New Society. 1966. April 28.
Family and Individual Structure // Te Predicament of the Family: A Psycho-Analytical Symposium / P. Lomas (ed.). L.: Hogarth Press, Institute of Psycho-Analysis, 1967. P. 107–125.
Foreword // MacNab F. Estrangement and Relationship: Experience with Schizophrenics. Bloomington, Indiana: University Press, 1965. P. I–XVIII.
God and Psychiatry // Times Literary Supplement. 1986. May 23.
Hatred of Health // Journal of Contemplative Psychotherapy. 1987. Vol. IV. P. 77–78.
Intervention in Social Situations: Lecture Delivered at the Association of Family Caseworkers’ Study Day, May 1968. L.: Association of Family Caseworkers, 1969.
Introduction // Coate M. Beyond All Reason. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1964. P. I–X.
Is Schizophrenia a Disease? // International Journal of Social Psychiatry. 1964. Vol. 10. P. 184–193.
Liberation by Orgasm: Reich’s “Function of the Orgasm” // New Society. 1968. March 28.
Metanoia: Some Experiences at Kingsley Hall // Going Crazy: Te Radical Terapy of R. D. Laing and Others / H. M. Ruitenbeek (ed.). Toronto; N.Y.: Bantam Books, 1972. P. 11–21.
Mystifcation, Confusion and Confict // Intensive Family Terapy / L. Boszormenyi-Nagy, J. Framo (eds). N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1965. P. 343–362.
Practise and Teory: Te Present Situation // Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. 1965. Vol. 13. No. 1. P. 58–67.
Psychotherapy: Te Search for a New Teory // New Society. 1964. October 1.
Religious Sensibility // Te Listener. 1970. April 23. P. 536–537.
Ritualization in Abnormal Behavior // Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society of London. 1966. Vol. 251. No. 772. P. 331–335.
S. Freud and W. Bullitt’s. “Tomas Woodrow Wilson” // New Society. 1967. May 18.
Schizophrenia and the Family // New Society. 1964. April 16. P. 14–17.
Series and Nexus in the Family // New Lef Review. 1962. No. 15. P. 7–14.
Te Massacre of the Innocents // Peace News. 1965. No. 1491.
Te Obvious // Te Dialectics of Liberation / D. Cooper (ed.). Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968. P. 13–33.
Te Study of Family and Social Contexts in Relation to the Origin of Schizophrenia // Te Origins of Schizophrenia: Proceedings of the First Rochester International Conference on Schizophrenia, March 29–31, 1967 / J. Romano (ed.). Amsterdam; N.Y.: Excerpta Medica Foundation, 1967. P. 139–146.
Transcendental Experience in Relation to Religion and Psy chosis // Psychedelic Review. 1965. No. 6. P. 7–15.
Violence and Love // Journal of Existentialism. 1965. Vol. 5. No. 20. P. 417–422.
Watzlawick, Beavin and Jackson “Pragmatics of Human Commu nication” // New Society. 1969. April 3.
What is Asylum? // Towards a Whole Society: Collected Papers on Aspects of Mental Health / R. Terrington (ed.). L.: Te Richmond Fellowship Press, 1985.
What is Schizophrenia? // New Lef Review. 1964. No. 28. P. 63–69.
В соавторстве
Cameron J. L., Laing R. D., McGhie A. Patient and Nurse: Efects of Environmental Changes in the Care of Chronic Schizophrenics // Te Lancet. 1956. December 31. P. 1384–1386.
Esterson A., Cooper D. G., Laing R. D. Results of Family Orientated Terapy with Hospitalized Schizophrenics // British Medical Journal. 1965. No. 2. December 18. P. 1462–1465.
Laing R. D., Esterson A. Te Collusive Function of Pairing in Analytic Groups // British Journal of Medical Psychology. 1958. Vol. 31. No. 2. P. 117–123.
Kelly D. An Interview with R. D. Laing // Audio Colloquies. L.: Harper & Row, 1987.
Kirsner D. Te Human Condition: An Interview with R. D. Laing // Psychotherapy in Australia. 1996. No. 2. P. 55–60.
Mezan P. Afer Freud and Jung, Now Comes R. D. Laing // Esquire. 1972. Vol. 77. P. 160–178.
Mullan B. Mad to Be Normal: Conversations with R. D. Laing. L.: Free Association Books, 1995.
Simon R. Still R. D. Laing Afer All Tese Years: An Interview with R. D. Laing // Family Terapy Networker. 1983. Vol. 7. No. 3.
Something to Say. Interview with John Morgan and Maurice Carstairs // Guardian. 1972. December 27.
Beveridge A. Portrait of the Psychiatrist as a Young Man: Te Early Writing and Work of R. D. Laing, 1927–1960. Oxford; N.Y.: Oxford University Press, USA, 2011.
Burston D. Te Crucible of Experience: R. D. Laing and the Crisis of Psychotherapy. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 2000.
Burston D. Te Wing of Madness: the Life and Work of R. D. Laing. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996.
Clay J. R. D. Laing: A Divided Self. L.: Hodder & Staughton, 1996.
Collier A. R. D. Laing: Te Philosophy and Politics of Psychotherapy. N.Y.: Pantheon Books, 1977.
Evans R. Dialogue with R. D. Laing. N.Y.: Praeger, 1981.
Friedenberg E. Z. R. D. Laing. L.: Fontana, 1973.
Howarth-Williams M. R. D. Laing: His Work and Its Relevance for Sociology. L.: Henley; Boston: Routledge; Kegan Paul, 1977.
Jacoby R. Social Amnesia: A Critique of Conformist Psychology from Adler to Laing. Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1975.
Kirsner D. Te Schizoid World of Jean-Paul Sartre and R. D. Laing. N.Y.: Karnac, 2003.
Kotowicz Z. R. D. Laing and the Paths of Anti-Psychiatry. L.; N.Y.: Routledge, 1997.
Laing A. R. D. Laing: A Biography. L.; Chester Springs, PA: P. Owen, 1994.
Miller G. R. D. Laing. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2004.
Mullan B. R. D. Laing: A Personal View. L.: Duckworth, 1999.
R. D. Laing: Contemporary Perspectives / S. Raschid (ed.). L.: Free Association, 2005.
R. D. Laing: Creative Destroyer / B. Mullan (ed.). L.: Cassell Publishers, 1997.
R. D. Laing: Te Man and His Ideas / R. Evans (ed.). N.Y., Tavistock: E. P. Dutton, 1976.
Russell R. (with R. D. Laing). R. D. Laing and Me: Lessons in Love. Lake Placid, N.Y.: Hillgarth Press, 1992.
Sedgwick P. PsychoPolitics: Laing, Foucault, Gofman, Szasz, and the Future of Mass Psychiatry. L.: Pluto Press, 1982.
Sigal C. Zone of the Interior. N.Y.: Tomas Y. Crowell, 1976.
Vice J. From Patients to Persons: Te Psychiatric Critiques of Tomas Szasz, Peter Sedgwick and R. D. Laing. N.Y.: P. Lang, 1992.
Главы монографий и статьи
Abrahamson D. R. D. Laing and Long-Stay Patients: Discrepant Accounts of the Refractory Ward and “Rumpus Room” at Gartnavel Royal Hospital // History of Psychiatry. 2007. Vol. 18. No. 2. P. 203–215.
Bartlett F. H. Illusion and Reality in R. D. Laing // Family Process. 1976. Vol. 15. No. 1. P. 51–64.
Berke J. Trick or Treat: Te Divided Self of R. D. Laing // Janus Head. Special Issue. Te Legacy of R. D. Laing. 2001. Vol. 4. No. 1. <http://www.janushead.org/4-1/bortle.cfm>.
Bortle S. R. D. Laing as Negative Tinker // Janus Head. Special Issue. Te Legacy of R. D. Laing. 2001. Vol. 4. No. 1. <http://www.janushead.org/4-1/bortle.cfm>.
Burston D. Laing and Heidegger on Alienation // Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 1998. Vol. 38. No. 4. P. 80–93.
Burston D. Szasz, Laing and Existential Psychotherapy // Existential Perspectives in Terapeutic Teory and Practice: Papers from the Society for Existential Analysis. Vol. 15.1. L.: Society for Existential Analysis, 2005.
Charlesworth M. Sartre, Laing, and Freud // Review of Existential Psychology and Psychiatry. 1980. Vol. 17. No. 1. P. 23–39.
Clare A. Anti-Psychiatry: An Alternative View: Response to Tomas S. Szasz’s Article “Anti-Psychiatry: Te Paradigm of the Plundered Mind” and Review of Te Facts of Life, by R. D. Laing // Te New Review. 1976. Vol. 3. No. 33. P. 25–30.
Clarke L. R. D. Laing and Divided Selves // Clarke L. Te Time of the Terapeutic Communities: People, Places, Events. L.; N.Y.: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2004. P. 108–127.
Crossley N. R. D. Laing and the British Anti-Psychiatry Movement: A Socio – Historical Analysis // Social Science & Medicine. 1998. Vol. 47. No. 7. P. 877–889.
Crossley N. Anti-Psychiatry and “Te Sixties” // Crossley N. Contesting Psychiatry: Social Movements in Mental Health. L.; N.Y.: Routledge, 2006. P. 99–125.
Fraser G. Do Not Adjust Your Mind, the Fault is in Reality: R. D. Laing and the Politics of the Anti-Psychiatry Movement // Democratic Green Socialist. 2009. No. 5.
Gordon J. B. Te Meta-Jorney of R. D. Laing // R. D. Laing and Anti-Psychiatry / R. Boyers (ed.). N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1971. P. 51–88.
Gordon J. S. Who Is Mad? Who Is Sane? R. D. Laing: In Search of a New Psychiatry // Going Crazy: Te Radical Terapy of R. D. Laing and Others / H. M. Ruitenbeek (ed.). Toronto, N.Y.: Bantam Books, 1972. P. 65–102.
Heaton J. M. On R. D. Laing: Style, Sorcery, Alienation // Te Psychoanalytic Review. 2000. Vol. 87. No. 4. P. 511–526.
Huxsley F. Shamanism, Healing and R. D. Laing // R. D. Laing: Contemporary Perspectives / S. Raschid (ed.). L.: Free Association Books, 2005. P. 179–198.
Levine P. R. D. Laing: Te Politics of Mind // Levine P. Divisions. Toronto: CBC Publications, 1975. P. 1–19.
Martin D. R. D. Laing: Psychiatry and Apocalypse // Going Crazy: Te Radical Terapy of R. D. Laing and Others / H. M. Ruitenbeek (ed.). Toronto; N.Y.: Bantam Books, 1972. P. 129–160.
Miller G. How Scottish Was R. D. Laing? // History of Psychiatry. 2009. Vol. 20. No. 2. P. 226–232.
Miller G. R. D. Laing and Teology: Te Infuence of Christian Existentialism on Te Divided Self // History of the Human Sciences. 2009. Vol. 22. No. 2. P. 1–21.
Palomo-Lamarca A. Existential Knots: Laing’s Anti-Psychiatry and Kierkegaard’s Existentialism // A Parte Rei. Revista de Filosofía. 2003. No. 25.
Podvoll E. An Interview on R. D. Laing // Journal of Contemplative Psychotherapy. 1990. Vol. VII. P. 111–118.
Redler L. R. D. Laing’s Contribution to the “Treatment” of “Schizophrenia”: Responsible Responses to Sufering and Malaise // Te Psychoanalytic Review. 2000. Vol. 87. No. 4. P. 561–589.
Redler L., Gans S., Mullan B. Remembering Ronny // Janus Head. 2001. Special Issue. Te Legacy of R. D. Laing. <http://www.janushead.org/4-1/redler.cfm>.
Reznek L. Ronald Laing and the Rationalizing of Madness // Reznek L. Te Philosophical Defence of Psychiatry. L.; N.Y.: Routledge, 1991.
Ruitenbeek H. M. R. D. Laing and the Young // Going Crazy: Te Radical Terapy of R. D. Laing and Others / H. M. Ruitenbeek (ed.). Toronto; N.Y.: Bantam Books, 1972. P. 161–166.
Schizophrenia, R. D. Laing, and the Contemporary Treatment of Psychosis: An Interview with Dr. Teodore Lids // R. D. Laing and Anti-Psychiatry / R. Boyers (ed.). N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1971. P. 151–200.
Schneider K. R. D. Laing’s Existential-Humanistic Practice: What Was He Actually Doing? // Te Psychoanalytic Review. 2000. Vol. 87. No. 4. P. 591–600.
Schneider K. R. D. Laing Remembered // Journal of Humanistic Psychology. 1990. Vol. 30. No. 2. P. 38–42.
Sedgwick P. R. D. Laing: Self, Symptom and Society // R. D. Laing and Anti-Psychiatry / R. Boyers (ed.). N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1971. P. 1–50.
Sedgwick P. R. D. Laing: Te Retreat from Socialism // Te Guardian. 1982. January 27.
Siegler M., Osmond H., Mann H. Laing’s Models of Madness // R. D. Laing and Anti-Psychiatry / R. Boyers (ed.). N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1971. P. 119–150.
Sigal C. Working with Laing // Te New York Review of Books. 1996. Vol. 43. No. 20. December 19.
Tompson M. G. Te Fidelity to Experience in R. D. Laing’s Treatment Philosophy // Contemporary Psychoanalysis. 1997. Vol. 33. No. 4. P. 595–614.
Дэвид Купер
Монографии и статьи
Beyond Words // Te Dialectics of Liberation / D. Cooper (ed.). Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968.
Introduction // Foucault M. Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason. L.: Routledge, 2001.
Introduction // Te Dialectics of Liberation / D. Cooper (ed.). Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968.
Psychiatry and Anti-Psychiatry. L.; N.Y.: Tavistock Publications, 1967.
Te Death of the Family. L.: Allen Lane, 1971.
Te Grammar of Living: An Examination of Political Acts. L.: Allen Lane, 1974.
Te Language of Madness. L.: Allen Lane, 1978.
В соавторстве
Laing R. D., Cooper D. G. Reason and Violence: A Decade of Sartre’s Philosophy, 1950–1960. L.: Tavistock Publications, 1964.
Критические работы
Gale D. Far Out // Te Guardian. 2001. September 8. Saturday.
Ticktin S. Brother Beast: A Personal Memoir of David Cooper // Asylum: Magazine for Democratic Psychiatry. 1986. Vol. 1. No. 3.
Теоретические и критические работы
Beyond Madness: PsychoSocial Interventions in Psychosis / J. H. Berke, M. Fagan, G. Mak-Pearce et al. (eds). L.: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2002.