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Osorio, Inventing Lima: Baroque Modernity in Peru's South Sea Metropolis (New York, 2008), 106. Об инквизиции на Сицилии см. C. A. Garufi, 'Contributo alla storia dell'Inquisizione in Sicilia nei secoli xvi e xvii', Archivo storico Siciliano, 38 (1913), 264–329 (278). См. также Bartolomé Bennassar, 'Patterns in the Inquisitorial Mind as the Basis for a Pedagogy of Fear', in The Spanish Inquisition and the Inquisitorial Mind, ed. Angel Alcalá (New York, 1984), 177–86.


О Мартине Кортесе см. Hugh Thomas, World Without End: The Global Empire of Philip II (London, 2014), 76.


«Важно, чтобы каждая земля управлялась по правилам, к которым давно привыкла…» — см. Correspondenz des Kaisers Karl V, ed. Karl Lanz, vol. 2 (Leipzig, 1845), 526.


Ralph E. Giesey, If Not, Not: The Oath of the Aragonese and the Legendary Laws of Sobrarbe (Princeton, 1968).


Henry Kamen, The Duke of Alba (New Haven, CT, and London, 2004), 92.


О возможности усмирения Нидерландов в 1568 г. см. Violet Soen, Adellijke en Habsburgse verzoeningspogingen tijdens de Nederlandse Opstand (1564–1581) (Amsterdam, 2011), 80–3.


F. C. Ceballos and G. Álvarez, 'Royal Dynasties as Human Inbreeding Laboratories: the Habsburgs', Heredity, 111 (2013), 114–21 (116–7).


Gonzalo Alvarez, Francisco C. Ceballos, and Celsa Quinteiro, 'The Role of Inbreeding in the Extinction of a European Royal Dynasty', PLoS ONE, 4 (no 4) (April 2009).


Об истории «черной легенды» см. Julián Juderías, La leyenda negra: Estudios acerca del concepto de España en el extranjero (Madrid, 1914).


Eva Botella-Ordinas, '"Exempt from Time and from Its Fatal Change": Spanish Imperial Ideology, 1450–1700', Renaissance Studies, 26 (2012), 580–604 (596–7), цитирует Juan de Garnica, De Hispanorum Monarchia (1595). О Филиппе II и тирании см. Jonathan Israel, 'King Philip II of Spain as a Symbol of "Tyranny" in Spinoza's Political Writings', Revista Co-herencia, 15 (2018), 137–54; Ronald Mellor, 'Tacitus, Academic Politics, and Regicide in the Reign of Charles I: the Tragedy of Dr Isaac Dorislaus', International Journal of the Classical Tradition, 11 (2004), 153–93 (183).


О происхождении Барбары Бломберг см. Marita A. Panzer, Barbara Blomberg. Bürgertochter, Kaisergeliebte und Heldenmutter (Regensburg, 2017), 36–7.


О знаменитых усах Маргариты см. Famiano Strada, De Bello Belgico Decas Prima (Rome, 1648), 42. В написании этой книги принимал участие сын Маргариты.


Gregory C. McIntosh, The Piri Reis Map of 1513 (Athens, GA, 2000), 6, 87; Anthony Reid, 'Sixteenth Century Turkish Influence in Western Indonesia', Journal of Southeast Asian History, 10 (1969), 395–414; C. R. Boxer, 'Portuguese and Spanish Projects for the Conquest of Southeast Asia, 1580–1600', Journal of Asian History, 3 (1969), 118–36 (120).


Carmen Y. Hsu, 'Writing on Behalf of a Christian Empire: Gifts, Dissimulation, and Politics in the Letters of Philip II of Spain to Wanli of China', HR, 78 (2010), 323–44 (327–8); William Henry Scott, Looking for the Prehistoric Filipino and Other Essays in Philippine History (Quezon City, 1992), 24–5.


William G. Clarence-Smith and David Eltis, 'White Servitude' in The Cambridge World History of Slavery, vol. 2, ed. Eltis and Stanley L. Engerman (Cambridge, 2011), 132–59 (133).


Özlem Kumrular, 'Lepanto: antes y después. La República, la Sublime Puerta y la Monarquía Católica', Studia historica. Historia moderna, 36 (2014), 101–20.


О вони от галер см. Jack Beeching, The Galleys at Lepanto (New York, 1983), 16.


Giovanni Pietro Contarini, Historia delle cose successe dal principio (Venice, 1572), fol. 51v.


Niccolò Capponi, Victory of the West: The Story of the Battle of Lepanto (London, 2006), 289.


О «самом обделенном рыцаре на свете» см. Lettere di D. Giovanni d' Austria a D. Giovanni Andrea Doria, ed. Alfonso Doria Pamphili (Rome, 1896), Nov. 1571, Messina.


Пер. С. В. Шервинского.


Virgil, The Eclogues, ed. Guy Lee (London, 1984), 57 (Ecl, 4. 1–10).


О Лепанто во французской поэзии Bruno Méniel, Renaissance de l' épopée. La poésie épique en France de 1572 à 1623 (Geneva, 2004), 388–9.


Об Аконцио см. Paula Sutter Fichtner, Emperor Maximilian II (New Haven, CT, and London, 2001), 39–40.


Miguel Falomir, 'La Religión socorrido por el Imperio (hacia 1568)', in Museo Nacional del Prado: Memoria de Actividades 2014, (Madrid, 2015), 72–4.


Пер. под ред. Ю. И. Соловьева.


King's College Library, Cambridge, Keynes MS 28, fol. 2 r — v (spelling adjusted).2


О первичной материи и принципах алхимии см. Martyn Rady, 'A Transylvanian Alchemist in Seventeenth-Century London', SEER, 72 (1994), 240–51.


Viktor Bibl, Maximilian II. Der rätselhafte Kaiser (Vienna and Leipzig, 1929), 98.


Friedrich Edelmayer, 'Honor y Dinero. Adam de Dietrichstein al servicio de la Casa de Austria', Studia Historica. Studia Moderna, 11 (1993), 89–116 (101–2).


R. J. W. Evans, Rudolf II and His World: A Study in Intellectual History 1576–1612 (Oxford, 1973), 84, 196.


M. W. Wallace, The Life of Sir Philip Sidney (Cambridge, 1915), 17.


«Его разум страдает от недуга…» — см. Evans, Rudolf II, 45.

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