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V.A. Zakharov[171], M.A. Rogov[172], N.Yu.Bragin[173]. Russian Arctic During the Mesozoic: Stratigraphy, Biogeography, Paleogeography, Paleoclimate


On the base of analysis of the material collected during the International Polar Year 2007–2008 and analisys of previously published data we provides renewed generalized view on Mesozoic geology of Arctic. Important corrections were added to current reconstructions of geographical, hydrological and climatic environments of the Eurasian part of Arctic during the Mesozoic (for Late Triassic, Jurassic and Early Cretaceous). New paleomagnetic and biostratigraphic results which permits to prove correlation of the bulk of Upper Volgian with Tithonian, has been obtained. Thus the Upper Volgian Substage should be ascribed to the Jurassic System but not to Cretaceous as accepted by many stratigraphers abroad and postulated by decision of Interdepartmental Stratigraphical Committee of Russia. Stratigraphical subdivision of the Kimmeridgian and Volgian Stages of the Western Spitsbergen has been significantly updated. We showed that succession of the Kimmeridgian and Volgian faunal horizons recognized at Svalbard is very close to those established in East Greenland. Upper Volgian Substage of the Agard Bay section (Western Spitsbergen) has been successfully correlated with Upper Volgian of the Northern Siberia (Nordvik section) by means of paleontological and paleomagnetic data. Ammonite-based zonal scales of the Jurassic System have been further detailed, thus provides more precise correlation between geological and biological events. Upper Volgian, Ryazanian and Lower Valanginian deposits were recognized at the sections of the Stolbovoi Island by means of the analysis of buchiid succession. Outline of the deep-water oceanic trough at the area of the New Siberian Islands for Late Jurassic and Earliest Cretaceous has been specified. On the base of the analysis of molluscan natural habitats and new data on glendonite record in the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sections of Arctic paleoclimate history for this region has been defined more exactly.

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