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1845-1847. Gold, silver, enamel, parchment, silver silk brocade, moire, painting. (The Armoury).

The reworked and supplemented statute of the Order of St. Anne was promulgated on July 22, 1845.

The 23 parchment pages of the statute carried the text in ornamented frames made up from the Order's ribbon and insignias with the paintings of the Orders of all four classes. The statute declared the rules of awarding the Order, the rights of the order-bearers and the prohibition to decorate the Order with precious stones. The new law deprived most of the order-bearers, namely, the bearers of the second, third and fourth class Orders, the right to hereditary nobility, which they were granted together with the Order right up to 1844.

The statute also had the paintings of special festive costumes for order-bearers and decoration officials. The full dress consisted of the red velvet round sleeveless cape with a big sewn on star on the right side, a supervest made from silver silk brocade with golden lace and a fringe sewn crosswise in the middle for the first class Order-bearers alone. A red velvet hat had a sewn on cross and one red and two white ostrich feathers.

The bearers of the Order of St. Anne were specially Instructed to attend festive ceremonies wearing the dress in accordance with the statute.


На фоне георгиевской ленты накладной серебряный, украшенный эмалью государственный герб Российской империи.

На 51 листе пергамента текст с живописным изображением знаков ордена св. Георгия, георгиевских крестов, георгиевской медали, георгиевского оружия и других георгиевских знаков отличия. В статуте подробно описаны все подвиги, заслуги и отличия, достойные почетной георгиевской награды.


Laid on silver enamel-plated state emblem of the Russian Empire against the background of the St. George ribbon.

The fifty-one parchment pages of the text carry the paintings of the insignias of the Order of St. George, St. George crosses and medals, St. George firearms and other St. George insignias. The statute describes in detail all the feats and distinguishing merits worthy of an honourable St. George award.

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